E. Mirkes
O(αs2) corrections to high-qT polarized gauge boson production at hadron colliders
Abstract We report first results on O(αs2) corrections to the parity conserving structure functions that describe high-qT polarized gauge boson production in hadron collisions. We present some numerical results for polarized W+ production at the Tevatron p p collider. In particular we find that the relation A0=A2 between the longitudinal and transverse interference structure functions no longer holds true at next-to-leading order (NLO). We calculate the NLO corrections to this relation.
Lepton-hadron correlations to O(αs2) in (2+1) jet production processes at hera
Abstract We give a qualitative account of some of the technical features that go into the calculation of the one-loop improved O(αs2) (2+1) jet production rates in deep inelastic scattering which was completed only recently. We present some numerical results on (2+1) jet production with an emphasis on lepton-hadron correlation effects by exhibiting the contribution of the longitudinal structure function.