T. Stripf
Ernährung bei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren
Nutrition in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer. Malnutrition is common in patients with head and neck cancer. Due to natural course of disease or therapy, malnutrition may increase. This leads to a reduced prognosis, quality of life, and should be considered in early stages of the disease. First choice is an enteral feeding via a nasogastral feeding tube or a PEG. In special cases a parenteral nutrition may be necessary.
Vergleich der perkutanen Dilatationstracheotomie versus konventioneller Tracheotomie - Eine retrospektive Studie
BACKGROUND In this retrospective study we compared endoscopically controlled percutaneous dilatative tracheostomies (PDT) with conventional surgical tracheostomies as a bedside procedure and in the operating theatre. PATIENTS Between 1998 and 2000 we performed 360 tracheostomies electively, 152 in PDT-technique (42 %) and 208 (58 %) with the conventional procedure. Referring to the PDT-technique 74 % (n = 112) were performed at the bedside and 26 % in the operating theatre. The conventional tracheostomies took place at bedside in 53 % (n = 110) and in the operating theatre in 47 % (n = 98) of the cases. The complications were divided in 5 groups with special interest if the operation took p…