K. D. Niebling
Temperature dependence of slow-positron production and of positronium formation on untreated surfaces
Low-energy positron emission from tungsten moderators, placed at a electron accelerator beam stop slows down with increasing moderator temperature. Efficient positronium formation is reported on untreated and unoriented metal surfaces at higher target temperatures.
Electro-produced slow positrons
During the last 6 years it has been demonstrated that electro-produced intense beams of slow positrons are possible. High energy electrons from an accelerator generate bremsstrahlung in a thick conversion target of high element number Z. The photons produce electronpositron pairs and a small fraction of the positrons may be moderated to thermal energies. A review is given of the existing slow positron beam lines using this technique. At accelerator energies of 100 MeV total conversion efficiencies of several slow positrons per 106 primary electrons have been obtained, resulting in average intensities of several 109 slow positrons per second or more than 105 slow positrons in pulses having a…