Valerio Ruggiero
Numerical and experimental analysis of a high innovative hydrofoil
The hydrofoil is a craft where the weight is entirely supported by the lift generated by the submerged part of wings. The particular structure of the craft requires a thorough study of the architecture of the hull, whose structure differs from others high speed vessels since the lift on wing surfaces are transmitted to the hull in limited areas (wing attacks). The authors have developed a research to optimize geometry of hull and wing system on a hydrofoil capable to carry 250 passengers at a speed of 35 knots, operating among Sicilian island. The principal goals of the new hydrofoil concern both the fuel reduction that the improvement of the comfort in terms of seakeeping and levels of aco…
Fatigue crack growth of new FML composites for light ship buildings under predominant mode II loading condition
The use of light but strong materials is largely studied in various area of the shipbuilding, this because the need of reducing the weight, and especially the weight of all the structures above the main deck assume primary importance for the stability. Traditionally in fast boats like fast ferries, hydrofoils, patrol boats, the typical materials are Aluminum alloy or composites, both those materials have advantages and disadvantages, but the new development of technologies made possible to combine them, in order to have a new material, combining the advantages of both, in terms of fatigue resistance, firefighting characteristics. In this paper, predominant mode II fatigue delamination tests…