Giuseppe Buonocore


Oxygen Use in Neonatal Care: A Two-edged Sword

In the neonatal period, the clinical use of oxygen should be taken into consideration for its beneficial and toxicity effects. Oxygen toxicity is due to the development of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as OH• that is one of the strongest oxidants in nature. Of note, generation of ROS is a normal occurrence in human and it is involved in a myriad of physiological reactions. Anyway an imbalance between production of oxidant species and antioxidant defenses, called oxidative stress, could affect various aspect of organisms' physiology and it could determine pathological consequences to living beings. Neonatal oxidative stress is essentially due to decreased antioxidants, increased ROS, or…

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Reference values of blood cell counts in the first days of life

The lack of updated neonatal reference values for hematological parameters impacts significantly with clinical management of both healthy and sick newborns. The present pilot study was thus aimed at assessing updated hematological Italian reference values in late preterm and term newborns. From January 2004 to December 2008 hematological laboratory tests were performed in 1175 newborns (820 healthy and 355 sick controls) between 33-41 weeks of gestation, during the first four days after birth. Hematological parameters were sorted for gender and gestational age and statistically analyzed. No gender-related differences were observed at different weeks of gestation and no significant differenc…

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Clinicians in 25 countries prefer to use lower levels of oxygen to resuscitate preterm infants at birth.

Aim This study determined current international clinical practice and opinions regarding initial fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2) and pulse oximetry (SpO2) targets for delivery room resuscitation of preterm infants of less than 29 weeks of gestation. Methods An online survey was disseminated to neonatal clinicians via established professional clinical networks using a web-based survey programme between March 9 and June 30, 2015. Results Of the 630 responses from 25 countries, 60% were from neonatologists. The majority (77%) would target SpO2 between the 10th to 50th percentiles values for full-term infants. The median starting FiO2 was 0.3, with Japan using the highest (0.4) and the UK usi…

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