Francisco Pastor
Sensitivity of precipitation forecasts to convective parameterization in the October 2007 Flash Flood in the Valencia Region (Eastern Spain)
Abstract. The Valencia region, on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, is an area prone to torrential rains, especially the north of Alicante province and the south of Valencia province. In October 2007, a torrential rain event with accumulated rainfall values exceeding 400 mm in less than 24 h affected the aforementioned areas, producing flash floods that caused extensive economic losses and human casualties. Several simulations of this rain event have been performed with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) to test the influence of the different convective parameterization scheme implemented in the model on the precipitation forecast.
Possible further evidence of low denetic diversity in the El Sidrón (Asturias, Spain) Neandertal Group: congenital clefts of the atlas
Received: June 12, 2015; Accepted: August 5, 2015; Published: September 29, 2015
Correlation between optics quality of multifocal intraocular lenses and visual acuity
Purpose To study the relationship between the optics quality of multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) and distance-corrected near, intermediate, and distance visual acuity to determine the degree to which optics quality must change to produce a significant difference in visual acuity. Setting Fundacion Oftalmologica del Mediterraneo, Valencia, Spain. Methods Monocular distance-corrected visual acuity (decimal and logMAR) was measured at 4 m, 70 cm, and 30 cm under photopic and mesopic conditions in eyes with 1 of 3 multifocal IOL models. Visual acuity versus the “average modulation” of the IOL was assessed. Results The pupil diameter and patient age were similar between the 3 IOL groups (20 …
Sea surface temperature and torrential rains in the Valencia region: modelling the role of recharge areas
Abstract. Heavy rain events are frequently recorded in the Western Mediterranean causing economic losses and even human casualties. The Western Mediterranean is a deep and almost closed sea surrounded by high mountain ranges and with little exchange of water with the Atlantic ocean. A main factor in the development of torrential rains is ocean-atmosphere exchanges of heat and moisture that can potentially destabilize air masses travelling over the sea. The study of air mass trajectories previous to the rain event permits the identification of sea areas that could probably contribute to the development or intensification of rainfall. From a previous Mediterranean sea surface temperature clim…
Numerical study of the October 2007 flash flood in the Valencia region (Eastern Spain): the role of orography
Abstract. A torrential rain event took place in the Valencia region in October 2007, mainly affecting coastal areas and nearby mountains in the center-south of the region, in northern Alicante province. More than 400 mm in 24 h were recorded at some stations in these areas, with lower accumulations in the rest of the region where rainfall was less intense. In the first part of this work a description of the meteorological situation is given. The synoptic frame of the event is characterised by an advection of easterly maritime winds across the Western Mediterranean, lasting for at least 48 h, driving moist air towards the Iberian Peninsula eastern coast and the presence of an upper level iso…
Shape change in the atlas with congenital midline non-union of its posterior arch: a morphometric geometric study.
Background Context The congenital midline non-union of the posterior arch of the atlas is a developmental variant present at a frequency ranging from 0.7% to 3.9%. Most of the reported cases correspond to incidental findings during routine medical examination. In cases of posterior non-union, hypertrophy of the anterior arch and cortical bone thickening of the posterior arches have been observed and interpreted as adaptive responses of the atlas to increased mechanical stress. Purpose We sought to determine if the congenital non-union of the posterior arch results in a change in the shape of the atlas. Study Design/Setting This study is an analysis of the first cervical vertebrae from osteo…
Sensitivity of a mesoscale model to different convective parameterization schemes in a heavy rain event
Abstract. The Valencia region, on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, is propitious to heavy precipitation, especially the area encompassing the South of Valencia province and the North of the Alicante province. In October 2007 a torrential rain affected the aforementioned area, producing accumulated rainfall values greater than 400 mm in less than 24 h and flash-floods that caused extensive economic losses and human casualties. This rain event has been studied in numerical experiments using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System. The present paper deals with the effect of using the different convective parameterizations (CP) currently implemented in the Regional Atmospheric…
Improvement of the Valencia region ultraviolet index (UVI) forecasting system
The CEAM Foundation (Valencia, Spain) has developed an operational ultraviolet index (UVI) forecasting system based on the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART) model. The main objective of this system is to provide the general public with a tool to minimize the impact of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause important human health problems. The system presented in this paper has been developed in collaboration with the Environment Department of the Regional Government of Valencia, and it replaces the one running until 2007. The new system substitutes the previously used Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) observed data with the total ozone column data forecasted …