J. Genevey
Large Odd-even Radius Staggering In The Very Light Platinum Isotopes From Laser Spectroscopy
Laser spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on very-neutron-deficient platinum isotopes with the COMPLIS experimental setup. Using the ${5d}^{9}{6s}^{3}{D}_{3}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{5d}^{9}{6p}^{3}{P}_{2}$ optical transition, hyperfine spectra of ${}^{182,181,180,179,178}\mathrm{Pt}$ and ${}^{183}{\mathrm{Pt}}^{m}$ were recorded for the first time. The variation of the mean square charge radius between these nuclei, the magnetic moments of the odd isotopes, and the quadrupole moment of ${}^{183}{\mathrm{Pt}}^{m}$ were thus measured. A large deformation change between ${}^{183}{\mathrm{Pt}}^{g}$ and ${}^{183}{\mathrm{Pt}}^{m},$ an odd-even staggering of the charge radius, and a d…
New shape isomer in the self-conjugate nucleus $^{72}$Kr
A new isomeric ${0}^{+}$ state was identified as the first excited state in the self-conjugate ($N=Z$) nucleus $^{\mathrm{72}}\mathrm{K}\mathrm{r}$. By combining for the first time conversion-electron and gamma-ray spectroscopy with the production of metastable states in high-energy fragmentation, the electric-monopole decay of the new isomer to the ground state was established. The new ${0}^{+}$ state is understood as the band head of the known prolate rotational structure, which strongly supports the interpretation that $^{\mathrm{72}}\mathrm{K}\mathrm{r}$ is one of the rare nuclei having an oblate-deformed ground state. This observation gives in fact the first evidence for a shape isomer…
Status report of the SARA IGISOL used in the study of the 238U(α 40 MeV, ƒ) reaction
Abstract A new ion guide isotope separator on-line (IGISOL), operating with the SARA facility, has been constructed. Using the 238U(α 40 MeV, ƒ) reaction to produce very neutron-rich radioisotopes, all mass chains from A = 96 to 122 have been scanned by conventional methods of nuclear spectroscopy. Provided the stopping volume is separated from the primary beam, it has been proved that the yield is nearly proportional to the He pressure. In addition to the usual advantages (quasi-independence from physical and chemical properties of elements), this makes IGISOL a powerful technique for high energy recoil products. During the experiments the boundary of known neutron-rich nuclei was reached …
Charge radius changes of even-even neutron-rich Tellurium isotopes
Laser spectroscopy based on resonant ionization of laser-desorbed atoms has been used to study the neutron-rich tellurium isotopes with the COMPLIS facility at ISOLDE-CERN. The isotope shift and the hyperfine structure of several neutron-rich Te isotopes: $^{120–136}$Te and $^{123m–133m}$Te have been measured. From the hyperfine structure and the isotope shift we can extract the magnetic and quadrupole moments and the change in the mean square charge radius respectively. The mean square charge radii of the even-even isotopes have been deduced and their comparison with the known data for the other elements near Z=50 is presented. The experimental $\delta$ is compared with that obtained from …
Charge-radius change and nuclear moments in the heavy tin isotopes from laser spectroscopy: Charge radius ofSn132
Laser spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on the neutron-rich tin isotopes with the COMPLIS experimental setup. Using the $5{s}^{2}5{p}^{2\phantom{\rule{0.3em}{0ex}}3}{P}_{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}5{s}^{2}5p6s\phantom{\rule{0.3em}{0ex}}{}^{3}{P}_{1}$ optical transition, hyperfine spectra of $^{126\ensuremath{-}132}\mathrm{Sn}$ and $^{125,127,129\ensuremath{-}131}\mathrm{Sn}{}^{m}$ were recorded for the first time. The nuclear moments and the mean square charge radius variation ($\ensuremath{\delta}\ensuremath{\langle}{r}_{c}^{2}\ensuremath{\rangle}$) were extracted. From the quadrupole moment values, these nuclei appear to be spherical. The magnetic moments measured are thus co…
Nuclear Moments and Deformation Change inA184ug,mfrom Laser Spectroscopy
Resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) was performed on desorbed Au, and the complete hyperfine spectrum of both isomeric and ground states of the short lived 184Au nucleus has been recorded from the 5d106s S1y2 ! 5d106p P3y2 optical transition. The nuclear moments of both states and the mean square charge radius changes were measured. The magnetic moments were determined to be m 184g I5 12.07s2dmN and m I2 11.44s2dmN and the spectroscopic quadrupole moments to be Q 184g s 14.65s26db and Q184m s 11.90s16d b. A difference in the mean square charge radius dkr2 c l184g,184m 20.036s3d fm2 was found. [S0031-9007(97)03992-6]
Charge radius change in the heavy tin isotopes until A = 132 from laser spectroscopy
Laser spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on the very neutron-rich tin isotopes with the COMPLIS experimental setup. Using the 5s 25p 23P 0 → 5s 25p6s 3P 1 optical transition, hyperfine spectra of 126-132Sn and 125m, 127m, 129m-131mSn where recorded for the first time. The variation of the mean-square charge radius ( δ〈r 2〉) between these nuclei and nuclear moments of the isomers and the odd isotopes were thus measured. An odd-even staggering which inverts at A = 130 is clearly observed. This indicates a small appearance of a plateau on the δ〈r 2〉 which has to be confirmed by measuring the isotope shift beyond A = 132.