Understanding metaphors and idioms: A single-case neuropsychological study in a person with Down syndrome
The ability of subject F.F., diagnosed with Down syndrome, to appreciate nonliteral (interpreting metaphors and idioms) and literal (vocabulary knowledge, including highly specific and unusual items) aspects of language was investigated. F.F. was impaired in understanding both metaphors and idioms, while her phonological, syntactic and lexical–semantic skills were largely preserved. By contrast, some aspects of F.F.'s executive functions and many visuospatial abilities were defective. The suggestion is made that the interpretation of metaphors and idioms is largely independent of that of literal language, preserved in F.F., and that some executive aspects of working memory and visuospatial …
The Selective Impairment of Phonological Processing in Speech Production
We report the naming performance of a patient (DM) with a fluent progressive aphasia who made phonological errors in all language production tasks. The pattern of errors in naming was strikingly clear: DM made very many phonological errors that resulted almost always in nonword responses. The complete absence of semantic errors and the very low ratio of formal errors relative to nonword errors (1.6:30.3) in DM's performance are discussed in the context of recent claims about the nature of naming deficits in fluent aphasics. We argue that DM's performance makes highly improbable the claim that fluent aphasia results from global lesions affecting all levels of the lexical access system equall…
Comprehension of metaphors and idioms in patients with Alzheimer's disease - A longitudinal study
Language in patients with Alzheimer's disease has been extensively studied, with the exception of non-literal language comprehension. However, in our speech, we often make use of expressions, which are not necessarily interpreted on a literal ground. Comprehension of metaphors and idioms was examined in 39 patients with probable early Alzheimer's disease. The results showed that the decline of figurative language is not an early symptom of dementia and can occur independently from the impairment of propositional language. It was also found that metaphors and idioms differ as far as the predominant kind of error is concerned.
Slowly progressive aphasia: a four-year follow-up study
This paper reports the long-term follow-up of GC, a patient with primary progressive aphasia of the fluent type. GC presented at onset with an anomia characterized by sparing of first letter knowledge, that applied mainly to proper names and living categories. No semantic deficits were observed in the first stage of the disease, and MRI showed a left temporal lobe atrophy with a gradient from the pole to the posterior regions, the latter being less involved. We now report the clinical evolution of GC from the 2nd to the 4th year of disease. As the disease progressed, the anomia became more severe and the phenomenon of first letter sparing was no longer detectable. Also semantic knowledge wa…
Naming People Ignoring Semantics in a Patient with Left Frontal Damage
Studies about proper name anomia generally assume that persons' names are harder to recall than other semantic information one knows about them and that name retrieval is not possible without biographical knowledge. We describe a patient, SB, who, after a left frontal haemorrhage, was unable to recall any biographical information about people she could name. Moreover, she had a normal score in an Object Picture Naming Test, but gave confabulatory answers in a Semantic Questionnaire involving the same items. The role of frontal function in producing this pattern of impairment is discussed, together with the possible existence of a direct route from visual perception to proper name retrieval.
Neural Correlates of Idiom Comprehension
The time course of idiom processing.
Recent neuropsychological and neurophysiological studies have suggested that the neural correlates of idiom processing are predominantly located in the left Brodmann's area (BA) 22 and, to some extent, in the prefrontal cortex. The present study explores the temporal dynamics of left prefrontal and temporal cortex in idiom processing by using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in normal subjects. Forty-five opaque highly familiar idioms and 45 literal sentences were used. Forty-three subjects completed 5 blocks of 18 trials (9 idioms, 9 literal sentences) corresponding to 4 stimulation conditions (left prefrontal, left temporal, vertex, no-stimulation baseline). Each subjec…
Left but not right temporal involvement in opaque idiom comprehension: a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study
Abstract It has been suggested that figurative language, which includes idioms, is controlled by the right hemisphere. We tested the right hemisphere hypothesis by using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to transiently disrupt the function of the frontal and temporal areas of the right versus left hemisphere in a group of normal participants involved in a task of opaque idiom versus literal sentence comprehension. Forty opaque, nonambiguous idioms were selected. Fifteen young healthy participants underwent rTMS in two sessions. The experiment was run in five blocks, corresponding to the four stimulated scalp positions (left frontal and temporal and right frontal and tempor…
Time estimation in Alzheimer's disease and the role of the central executive.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of short-term memory and attention in time estimation. For this purpose we studied prospective time verbal estimation in 21 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), and compared their performance with that of 21 matched normal controls in two different conditions: during a digit span task and during an attentional task. Results showed that the performance of AD patients was significantly worse than that of the controls; the interaction between group and condition was significant. We suggest a role of attentional-executive functions in prospective time estimation.
Upper and lower face apraxia: role of the right hemisphere.
The aim of this study was to evaluate face apraxia in left- and right-hemisphere-damaged patients both in the acute and chronic stage of their disease. Two newly devised tests that assess movements of the upper and lower face districts were employed. On the whole, the proportion of left-hemisphere-damaged patients showing face apraxia were 46 and 68% for upper and lower face, respectively. A substantial proportion of right-hemisphere-damaged patients also showed face apraxia, i.e. 44% upper face and 38% lower face. Concomitant variables such as general severity, locus of lesion, language or visuo-spatial impairments, presence of neglect, interval from stroke, peculiarity of clusters of item…
Famous face recognition and naming test: a normative study.
Tests of famous face recognition and naming, and tasks assessing semantic knowledge about famous people after presentation either of their faces or their names are often used in the neuropsychological examination of aphasic, amnesic and demented patients. A total of 187 normal subjects took part in this study. The aim was to collect normative data for a newly devised test including five subtests: famous face naming, fame judgement after face presentation and after name presentation, semantic knowledge about famous people after face presentation and after name presentation. Norms were calculated taking into account demographic variables such as age, sex and education and adjusted scores were…