Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD) Minitrack: Contributing to Human Development and Social Justice
This minitrack explores opportunities to use Information and communication technologies to promote human development and social justice. In the early days this field began with radio and television as tools to help improve the lives of marginalized communities, but this has now become a global movement of people using computers, the internet, and mobile devices to help human development. Information technologies have become more accessible, more used, and more relevant than ever in the lives of people around the world. A growing body of scholars and researchers work to understand, design, evaluate and critique ICTD interventions, which can bring numerous benefits as well as unanticipated ne…
Riesgo cardiovascular en sujetos con alta probabilidad de síndrome metabólico y resistencia a la insulina. Estudio DESIRE
Introduccion y objetivos El sindrome metabolico agrupa alteraciones estrechamente relacionadas. El objetivo principal de este estudio es conocer la frecuencia del sindrome metabolico y de la resistencia a la insulina, y su papel como indicadores de riesgo cardiovascular en poblacion adulta asignada a consultas de Atencion Primaria en Espana. Metodos Sujetos ≥ 45 anos con glucemia basal ≥ 90 mg/dl y perimetro de cintura ≥ 94 cm (hombres) u 80 cm (mujeres). Se utilizaron los criterios del ATP III modificados para identificar el sindrome metabolico y el indice HOMA > 3,29 para la resistencia a la insulina. El riesgo cardiovascular se estimo mediante los modelos Framingham y SCORE. Resultados S…
Introduction to the Minitrack on Information and Communication Technologies for Development: Contributing to Human Development and Social Justice
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