Firm Size and Volatility Analysis in the Spanish Stock Market
In this article, three strongly related questions are studied. First, volatility spillovers between large and small firms in the Spanish stock market are analyzed by using a conditional CAPM with an asymmetric multivariate GARCH-M covariance structure. Results show that there exist bidirectional volatility spillovers between both types of firms, especially after bad news. Second, the volatility feedback hypothesis explaining the volatility asymmetry feature is investigated. Results show significant evidence for this hypothesis. Finally, the study uncovers that conditional beta coefficient estimates within the used model are insensitive to sign and size asymmetries in the unexpected shock re…
The Economic Value of Volatility Transmission Between the Stock and Bond Markets
This study has two main objectives. Firstly, volatility transmission between stocks and bonds in European markets is studied using the two most important financial assets in these fields: the DJ Euro Stoxx 50 index futures contract and the Euro Bund futures contract. Secondly, a trading rule for the major European futures contracts is designed. This rule can be applied to different markets and assets to analyze the economic significance of volatility spillovers observed between them. The results indicate that volatility spillovers take place in both directions and that the stock-bond trading rule offers very profitable returns after transaction costs. These results have important implicatio…
Price and volatility dynamics between electricity and fuel costs: Some evidence for Spain
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the causal linkages between the Spanish electricity, Brent crude oil and Zeebrugge (Belgium) natural gas 1-month-ahead forward prices. Following Lutkepohl et al. (2004), we control for the presence of a structural change in the series and then we use the Johansen cointegration test and a vector error correction model (VECM) to embrace the analysis. Additionally, a multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) model is applied to explore volatility interactions between the three markets involved in the study. Our findings reveal that Brent crude oil and Zeebrugge natural gas forward prices play a prominent rol…
Volatility transmission patterns and terrorist attacks
The objective of this study is to analyze volatility transmission between the US and Eurozone stock markets considering the effects of the September 11, March 11 and July 7 financial crises. In order to do this, we use a multivariate GARCH model and take into account the asymmetric volatility phenomenon, the non-synchronous trading problem and the crises themselves. Moreover, a graphical analysis of the Asymmetric Volatility Impulse-Response Functions (AVIRF) is introduced, which takes into consideration the crisis effect. Results suggest that there is bidirectional and asymmetric volatility transmission and show the different impact that terrorist attacks had on both markets. El objetivo d…