Fabio Aurelio D'asaro


Computational Intelligence and Citizen Communication in the Smart City

Information and communication are at the core of the intelligent city of tomorrow, and the key components of a smart city cannot prescind from data exchanges and interconnectedness. Citizen communication is an integral part of the smart city’s development plans: freedom of information and involvement in collective decisions, e-democracy and decision-making feedback can be greatly enhanced in an intelligent city, and, among other smart city components, foster a new era of participation and wise decisions. In this contribution we describe the methodologies that can be implemented in order to correctly develop automatic recognition systems for citizen communication, paying special attention to…

research product

L'obiezione di una Lady ed il computer che vince ai telequiz. Come la flessibilità ha consentito all'Intelligenza Artificiale di superare un limite immaginario.

Col passare degli anni abbiamo imparato a non stupirci più delle meraviglie che una macchina può realizzare. Oggi un computer è capace di riconoscere la scrittu- ra e la voce umana, di interpretarla, di riprodurla; può prendere decisioni impor- tanti e tempestive (come succede, ad esempio, in ambiti molto delicati come quel- lo medico) (Seising, Tabacchi, 2013, pp. 3-8), effettuare difficili previsioni ma an- che, e soprattutto, gestire dinamicamente la complessità derivante dal mondo esterno, riuscendo addirittura a riconoscere e correggere i propri errori. Per rende- re possibile tutto questo, l’uomo ha dovuto compiere nell’ultimo secolo un mira- bile sforzo intellettuale che lo ha portat…

research product

Agents Displacement in Arbitrary Geometrical Spaces: An Evolutionary Computation based Approach

In many different social contexts, communication allows a collective intelligence to emerge. However, a correct way of exchanging information usually requires determined topological configurations of the agents involved in the process. Such a configuration should take into account several parameters, e.g. agents positioning, their proximity and time efficiency of communication. Our aim is to present an algorithm, based on evolutionary programming, which optimizes agents placement on arbitrarily shaped areas. In order to show its ability to deal with arbitrary bi-dimensional topologies, this algorithm has been tested on a set of differently shaped areas that present concavities, convexities …

research product

Technology and human sciences: A dialogue to be constructed or a common tread to be rediscovered?

In this contribution we begin to discuss the thesis that an analysis of the similarities and differences of typical methodologies of human sciences, technology and hard sciences show some unforeseen but strong similarities between human sciences and technologies. In this context fuzzy sets ideas provide useful tools which help to render the analysis more quantitative but without loosing the connection with a purely descriptive analysis. These kinds of considerations would have been hardly conceivable in the setting of XIX Century conception of science. It is the development of Information sciences that has allowed these problems to emerge. In this paper we shall then briefly outline the gen…

research product

A fuzzy methodology to alleviate information overload in elearning

Some aspects of eLearning experience can be en- hanced in a very natural way by using the basic tools offered by fuzzy logic. As a matter of exam- ple, consider the uncontrolled growth of informa- tion produced in a collaborative-oriented context, in which each participant (e.g. students, teachers) is able to insert and share new contents (e.g. com- ments, texts) concerning a university course. All the incrementally added pieces of information can be evaluated in several ways: by the intervention of a “dictator” (e.g. the teacher), using a rating form, or even according to the frequency of access. As contents rapidly become unusable for the effects of information overload, basic tools of fu…

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