Ludwig Kraus

Defining substance use disorders: do we really need more than heavy use?

Aims: The aim of the study was to explore whether the concept of heavy substance use over time can be used as definition of substance use disorder. Methods: Narrative review. Results: Heavy use over time clearly underlies the neurobiological changes asso- ciated with current thinking of substance use disorders. In addition, there is evidence that heavy use over time can explain the majority of social problems and of burden of disease (morbidity and mortality). A definition of substance use disorders via heavy use over time would avoid some of the problems of current conceptualizations, for instance the cultural specificity of concepts such as loss of control. Finally, stressing the continuu…

research product

Cannabis, Cannabinoide und das Endocannabinoidsystem

Die Nutzung der Hanfpflanze (Cannabis L.) und ihrer Produkte durch den Menschen zu religiosen und medizinischen Zwecken, aber auch wegen ihrer euphorischen und entspannenden Wirkung, reicht tausende von Jahren zuruck. Der Hanf gehort ebenso wie die Gattung Humulus (Hopfen) der Familie der Cannabaceae (Hanfgewachse) an. Die Anzahl der Arten in der Gattung Cannabis wurde lange diskutiert und bleibt weiterhin umstritten. Gegenstand der Debatte war die Frage, ob Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica und Cannabis ruderalis jeweils eigene Arten darstellen. Aktuell wird meist eine einzige vielfaltige Art (Cannabis sativa L.) mit verschiedenen Variationen angenommen, andere Forscher pladieren dagegen fu…

research product

Cannabiskonsum zum Freizeitgebrauch

Zur gezielten Aufnahme, Verarbeitung und Speicherung der komplexen sensorischen Informationen unserer Umwelt benotigen wir kognitive Fahigkeiten. Unter „Kognition” versteht man dabei eine Vielzahl bewusster sowie unbewusster neuronaler Prozesse des Gehirns, die bei der Verarbeitung externer und interner Informationen ablaufen.

research product

The tangible common denominator of substance use disorders: a reply to commentaries to Rehm et al. (2013a)

In response to our suggestion to define substance use disorders via ‘heavy use over time’, theoretical and conceptual issues, measurement problems and implications for stigma and clinical practice were raised. With respect to theoretical and conceptual issues, no other criterion has been shown, which would improve the definition. Moreover, heavy use over time is shown to be highly correlated with number of criteria in current DSM-5. Measurement of heavy use over time is simple and while there will be some underestimation or misrepresentation of actual levels in clinical practice, this is not different from the status quo and measurement of current criteria. As regards to stigma, research ha…

research product

Prevalence of and potential influencing factors for alcohol dependence in Europe.

Alcohol use disorders (AUDs), and alcohol dependence (AD) in particular, are prevalent and associated with a large burden of disability and mortality. The aim of this study was to estimate prevalence of AD in the European Union (EU), Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland for the year 2010, and to investigate potential influencing factors. The 1-year prevalence of AD in the EU was estimated at 3.4% among people 18-64 years of age in Europe (women 1.7%, men 5.2%), resulting in close to 11 million affected people. Taking into account all people of all ages, AD, abuse and harmful use resulted in an estimate of 23 million affected people. Prevalence of AD varied widely between European countries, and…

research product