Structure, Composition and Magnetic Properties of Ferrofluid Nanoparticles after Separation / Feromagnētisko Šķidrumu Nanodaļiņu Struktūras, Sastāva un Magnētisko Īpašību Izmaiņas Pēc Separācijas
Abstract The structure, composition and magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles are studied as dependent on the synthesis technology and method of separation in ferrofluids. The goal of the present study is to improve the magnetic properties of wet-synthesized nanoparticles and achieve a narrow nanoparticle size distribution. The results of measurements show that by varying the conditions of the chemical coprecipitation method, different compositions and structures of the nanoparticles could be obtained. The separation of ferrite nanoparticles of a polydisperse colloid by centrifugation as well as by HGMS provides the possibility to obtain a nanoparticle set with narrow size distrib…