Daniel Rost

Universal probes for antiferromagnetic correlations and entropy in cold fermions on optical lattices

We determine antiferromagnetic (AF) signatures in the half-filled Hubbard model at strong coupling on a cubic lattice and in lower dimensions. Upon cooling, the transition from the charge-excitation regime to the AF Heisenberg regime is signaled by a universal minimum of the double occupancy at entropy s=S/(N k_B)=s*=ln(2) per particle and a linear increase of the next-nearest neighbor (NNN) spin correlation function for s<s*. This crossover, driven by a gain in kinetic exchange energy, appears as the essential AF physics relevant for current cold-atom experiments. The onset of long-range AF order (at low s on cubic lattices) is hardly visible in nearest-neighbor spin correlations versus s,…

research product

Momentum structure of the self-energy and its parametrization for the two-dimensional Hubbard model

We compute the self-energy for the half-filled Hubbard model on a square lattice using lattice quantum Monte Carlo simulations and the dynamical vertex approximation. The self-energy is strongly momentum dependent, but it can be parametrized via the non-interacting energy-momentum dispersion $\varepsilon_{\mathbf{k}}$, except for pseudogap features right at the Fermi edge. That is, it can be written as $\Sigma(\varepsilon_{\mathbf{k}},\omega)$, with two energy-like parameters ($\varepsilon$, $\omega$) instead of three ($k_x$, $k_y$ and $\omega$). The self-energy has two rather broad and weakly dispersing high energy features and a sharp $\omega= \varepsilon_{\mathbf{k}}$ feature at high tem…

research product

Quasi-continuous-time impurity solver for the dynamical mean-field theory with linear scaling in the inverse temperature

We present an algorithm for solving the self-consistency equations of the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) with high precision and efficiency at low temperatures. In each DMFT iteration, the impurity problem is mapped to an auxiliary Hamiltonian, for which the Green function is computed by combining determinantal quantum Monte Carlo (BSS-QMC) calculations with a multigrid extrapolation procedure. The method is numerically exact, i.e., yields results which are free of significant Trotter errors, but retains the BSS advantage, compared to direct QMC impurity solvers, of linear (instead of cubic) scaling with the inverse temperature. The new algorithm is applied to the half-filled Hubbard mo…

research product

Fate of the false Mott-Hubbard transition in two dimensions

We have studied the impact of non-local electronic correlations at all length scales on the Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition in the unfrustrated two-dimensional Hubbard model. Combining dynamical vertex approximation, lattice quantum Monte-Carlo and variational cluster approximation, we demonstrate that scattering at long-range fluctuations, i.e., Slater-like paramagnons, opens a spectral gap at weak-to-intermediate coupling -- irrespectively of the preformation of localized or short-ranged magnetic moments. This is the reason, why the two-dimensional Hubbard model is insulating at low enough temperatures for any (finite) interaction and no Mott-Hubbard transition is observed.

research product

Momentum-dependent pseudogaps in the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model

We compute unbiased spectral functions of the two-dimensional Hubbard model by extrapolating Green functions, obtained from determinantal quantum Monte Carlo simulations, to the thermodynamic and continuous time limits. Our results clearly resolve the pseudogap at weak to intermediate coupling, originating from a momentum selective opening of the charge gap. A characteristic pseudogap temperature T*, determined consistently from the spectra and from the momentum dependence of the imaginary-time Green functions, is found to match the dynamical mean-field critical temperature, below which antiferromagnetic fluctuations become dominant. Our results identify a regime where pseudogap physics is …

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