Petra Krystek
Determination of ruthenium in photographic emulsions - Development and comparison of different sample treatments and mass spectrometric methods
Different sample treatment procedures were combined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and negative thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (NTI-MS) for the determination of ruthenium traces in photographic emulsions. Dissolution of the samples in concentrated ammonia solution was used in connection with ICP-MS by external calibration, which has the advantage of a simple sample preparation technique but introduces high amounts of the silver matrix into the mass spectrometer. On the other hand, isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) with an enriched 99Ru spike solution was applied for ICP-MS and NTI-MS measurements, respectively, in connection with a significant reduc…
Development of accurate mass spectrometric routine and reference methods for the determination of trace amounts of iridium and rhodium in photographic emulsions
For the determination of trace amounts of iridium and rhodium in photographic emulsions different sample treatment procedures were coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and, for iridium, also with negative thermal ionisation isotope dilution mass spectrometry (NTI-IDMS) and ICP-IDMS. IDMS determinations of iridium were carried out using an enriched 191Ir spike solution. Elimination of the silver matrix was established for both mass spectrometric methods, which prevents corresponding memory effects in the ICP-MS system and is essential for the formation of IrO2 - thermal ions, respectively. For NTI-MS measurements, the gelatine matrix of the emulsion must also be…