Pau Sendra-pons

Institutional factors affecting entrepreneurship: A QCA analysis

A country's institutional framework plays a crucial role in promoting entrepreneurship, which drives economic growth. Encouraging a minimum level of certainty in ambiguous environments characterized by risk taking is important. Aware of this importance, we analyze the influence of institutional factors on entrepreneurship development. Specifically, we analyze political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, a robust rule of law, the ease of starting a new business, and the ease of obtaining credit. We develop two models to explain the presence and absence of entrepreneurship. To do so, we apply qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to a sample of 48 countries using data s…

research product

Informe GUESSS UVEG 2021. El espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes de la Universitat de València

El emprendimiento constituye un elemento clave para la prosperidad de los territorios y el bienestar de sus habitantes. Cabe señalar que cuando aquí hablamos de emprendimiento, lo hacemos en sentido amplio, lo que abarca tanto el emprendimiento puramente de negocios, como el emprendimiento social y todas sus formas híbridas, todas potencialmente valiosas para el desarrollo económico, social y cultural de las regiones. Un emprendimiento que se puede manifestar, tanto en forma de nuevas organizaciones como en el seno de las ya existentes, por medio de iniciativas intraemprendedoras. En el escenario actual, marcado por las tensiones globales, la crisis energética y la transición hacia la soste…

research product

A review of entrepreneurship education research and practice

El emprendimiento ha acaparado cada vez más la atención del legislador debido a la necesidad de promover el desarrollo económico y la creación de empleo. Entre los factores que impulsan el emprendimiento, la educación emprendedora reviste especial importancia. Este artículo aborda la educación emprendedora desde la perspectiva de la investigación y la práctica. En primer lugar, se discute si el talento emprendedor nace o se cultiva. En segundo lugar, se revisan los diferentes enfoques de la educación emprendedora, especificando sus características distintivas. A continuación, se examina la investigación en torno al potencial de la educación emprendedora a la hora de despertar las intencione…

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A comprehensive conceptual and bibliometric study of person-centered methodologies

AbstractPerson-centered approaches, such as latent profile analysis (LPA) and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), have gained in popularity in organizational scholarship because of their ability to provide insight into how interrelations between a group of conditions can lead to a particular outcome. Despite the growing acceptance of person-centered approaches in social science research, traditional variable-centered approaches continue to prevail, although their dominance is increasingly questioned. This paper offers in-depth analysis of the current state of QCA and LPA from both a conceptual and a bibliometric perspective. This study thus aims to contextualize the role of person-cente…

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Rational Herding in Reward-Based Crowdfunding: An MTurk Experiment.

Crowdfunding is gaining popularity as a way of financing social sustainable initiatives. We performed a controlled economic experiment in MTurk by simulating a crowdfunding platform and developed a theoretical model that rationalizes herding behavior. The experiment was designed to test and quantify the causal effects of revealing specific information to prospective backers: (i) the number of early contributors already financing the project and (ii) positive opinions of other backers versus those of experts. The results show that early contributions to the campaign and positive opinions of peers act as a reinforcing signal to potential backers and affect backers&rsquo

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