Valeria Cammarata

Visioni in forma di racconto

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Fantasmi e trasmigrazioni. Le memorie degli altri in Georges Perec e Richard Mosse

In questo saggio si analizzeranno due opere – Recits d’Ellis Island, di Georges Perec e Robert Bober e Incoming di Richard Mosse – e il loro modo di riflettere sulla Shoah in maniera eccentrica, obliqua attraverso due particolari lenti che guardano alle migrazioni di esseri umani in condizioni di pericolo: quella di phantasmata e quella di “trasmigrazione”, tanto nella sua accezione di migrazione, di passaggio di qualcosa o qualcuno attraverso lo spazio, ma anche attraverso il tempo, quanto nel senso di trascendenza dello spirito o dell’anima da una forma di esistenza corporea a forme di esistenza meno tangibili. All’interno di queste due opere la parola si fa accompagnare dall’immagine fot…

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Pictorial Turn. Saggi di cultura visuale

Il libro, in una nuova edizione completamente rivista e aggiornata, presenta al pubblico italiano i testi più rappresentativi di uno dei protagonisti della visual culture contemporanea. Il pictorial tum è la "svolta"' epistemologica che pone lo studio delle immagini sullo stesso piano di quello del linguaggio. Il libro, in una nuova edizione completamente rivista e aggiornata, presenta al pubblico italiano i testi più rappresentativi di uno dei protagonisti dela visual culture contemporanea. Si tratta di saggi in cui Mitchell introduce nozioni e termini ormai entrati a pieno titolo nel vocabolario critico, come l'alternativa image/picture, le nozioni di metapicture e biopicture, e lo studio…

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Through Different Eyes. Feminine Science and Literature in Early Modern Culture

The question of a dominant model of vision will be at stake in this essay, which will try to provoke other questions on the ways in which non-dominant models of vision have tried to spread out in a particularly revolutionary and dramatic period. This century is the 17th and the non-dominant model of vision is that of the female gaze. Particularly the works of three English writers – Margaret Cavendish, Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood – and their commitment with the matter of gaze will be analysed.

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Paper bodies: Feminine Biopoetics in Margaret Cavendish Duchess of Newcastle

In the debate between biopolitical and bioaesthetic approach the case of the literary – and performing – work acted by an English woman writer and natural philosopher lived between 1623 and 1673, could result really meaningful. The work and the whole life of Margaret Cavendish represents an interesting example of the ways in which biopolitical control on both bodies and minds could started to work in that period, and in which ways a woman like Cavendish could resist to both epistemic and physical violence by fighting a battle on two grounds, by means of her own artistic creations and her body expressions. Her physical or material artistic products could represent a result of which evolution…

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The most recent discoveries deriving from the exchanges between aesthetics and neuroscience – especially those stressing the importance of the sensory-motor system in both scientific and aesthetic experience – have raised a particular attention on the subjectivity of mental processes, especially those related to the knowledge processes, and on the role of imagination. These results have, still nowadays, influence and confirmation in literature, which many scholars interested in a cognitivistic approach consider as related, if not just the same, to the ability of mankind to make tools and, thus, to make sense. An example of this reciprocal influence of neuroscience and literature is without …

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Ombre di memoria. Immagini e storie di migranti da Richard Mosse a Georges Perec

The following pages present the analysis of a crucial issue for the genre of the photo-text, that of migrations intended as stories of wandering and hope and respect to which the literary word and the photographic image are still questioning, especially for what concerns the opportunity and the modalities of narration and memory. Two cases distant in time and space seem to offer a reflection on the inexhaustible question, and above all on the way in which it can be tackled without falling back into the often sterile ground of documentary or memorial narration: Incoming (2017) by the photographer Richard Mosse and Récits d’Ellis Island. Histoires d’errance et d’espoir (1980), the work of Geo…

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L'uomo nella lente. Il microscopio e il telescopio in Laurence Sterne

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Tra immaginario e illusorio. La metafora della fantasmagoria in Roger Caillois

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The Reason of Imagination. The Blazing Worlds of Margaret Cavendish and Siri Hustvedt

One of the peculiarities of 17th and 18th centuries literature is the link between knowledge and imagination, a relationship in which narration sometimes accompanies science, sometimes goes beyond it. The idea of imagination as a true means of knowledge is the subject of Margaret Cavendish’s best known work, The Blazing World (1666), where her alter ego is free to built a whole social and philosophical system based on corporality and subjectivity. From the same conception of imagination starts Siri Hustvedt when in 2014 rewrites The Blazing World: the story of an artist who still in the twentieth century tries to face the overwhelming misogyny with the performance of the body and the theory…

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Paperbodies:Weibliche Biopoetik

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Il Cabinet d'amateur di Georges Perec

In 1979 one year after the publication of La vie mode d’emploi, George Perec wrote Cabinet d’amateur. Histoire d’un tableau, in which he tells the story of a painting belonging to the genre of the cabinet d’amateur, also known as kunst- und wunderkammer. It is a collection of different paintings, usually belonging to a rich man or a notable, portrayed (once again) in a single picture celebrating the magnificence of this more or less real collection. As for the pictorial genre, so the short novel is the celebration of the images collected by George Perec in his previous masterpiece, La vie mode d’emploi. This is why I assume this work to be referable to the genre of structural homology more …

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"Ingannare l'occhio. Inventare, scoprire, svelare le immagini nei testi, al di là dell'al di là". Di alcuni casi limite e altro

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Mildred Pierce e i margini della crisi

Protagonista del romanzo di James M. Cain (1941) e della trasposizione cinematografica di Michael Curtiz con Joan Crawford nel 1945, e poi televisiva Todd Haynes con Kate Winslet nel 2011, Mildred Pierce è stata oggetto di indagini all’interno di diversi approcci degli studi culturali, all’incrocio tra film studies, gender studies e women studies, che hanno sottolineato la reiterata importanza del modello di donna veicolato dal personaggio, che mina la stabilità istituzionale, politica e culturale dell’ordine patriarcale. Quando la crisi sembra aprire una crepa nel sistema fallogocentrico occidentale, creando uno spazio all’azione femminile, la violenta repressione cui Mildred viene ad ogni…

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Breve storia femminile dello sguardo

È ancora oggi possibile definire lo sguardo in maniera univoca? Esistono differenze di genere all’interno di quello che per secoli è stato considerato il principale mezzo e la garanzia stessa della conoscenza umana? Si può ipotizzare l’esistenza di un modo femminile di guardare nell’arte, nella scienza, in “natura”? Questo saggio pone tutte queste questioni in un vasto orizzonte temporale che ruota intorno a due punti di svolta: la nascita della filosofia naturale, tra XVII e XVIII secolo, e gli studi sociali della scienza del XXI secolo.

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The Impossible Portait. Georges Perec and His Condottiere

Continuous and more or less veiled references, descriptions, inventions, images characterize the poetry of Georges Perec. But above all one image is significant not only to his poetics but to himself: that of Le Condottière, translated in english as Portrait of a Man. On 2012, thirty years after Perec’s death, the last piece of his literary image was discovered. Actually, it is the first image of this complex puzzle, the first time Gaspard Winckler, Perec’s recurrent alter-ego, appeared on the scene. Three main characters stay on the stage of Portrait of a Man: Gaspard Winckler, Antonello da Messina and the unknown warlord himself. Behind them stays, of course, Perec, the “character” into w…

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Michele Cometa

This essay is about Michele Cometa, essayist, literary and aesthetic critic and one of the founders of Italian Visual Culture ,both as a cultural approach and as an academic discipline (or, rather, un-discipline). He is responsible for the reception of W.J.T. Mitchell in Italy, having edited the first translations of his works (see, Pictorial Turn. Essays on Visual Culture, 2008, new edition 2017). He also organized the first meeting entirely devoted to the discipline in 2007, hosting the encounter between Mitchell’s Pictorial turn and Belting’s Iconic Turn and the different approaches they gave origin to in Italy.

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Donne al microscopio. Un'archeologia dello sguardo femminile

Margaret Cavendish, Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood: alle soglie della modernità un nuovo soggetto accosta il proprio sguardo a microscopi e telescopi. È la dama di scienza, una figura che contribuisce alla nascita della filosofia sperimentale, inaugurando “modi di vedere” alternativi a quelli della società patriarcale e mettendo in discussione anche i suoi oggetti di studio e la pratica scientifica nel suo complesso. Lo sguardo è per queste tre scrittrici e scienziate non solo il tema di importanti opere letterarie e di divulgazione, ma anche l’occasione per una sovversione delle pratiche sociali della scienza patriarcale attraverso il complesso e raffinato dispositivo della masquerade che conse…

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Archeologia dello sguardo femminile

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Il tempio che non c’è. Il Giove Olimpico di Agrigento. Un cd-rom multimediale tra archeologia, letteratura ed estetica

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Post-television e post-feminism. La nuova Mildred e le altre

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Il plusvalore delle immagini

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Scienza dell’immagine. Quattro concetti fondamentali

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La svolta visuale

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