Gasparo Morticelli M.
Understanding paleomagnetic rotations in Sicily: thrust vs. strike-slipe tectonics
The paleomagnetic investigation of the western Sicily Maghrebian belt has revealed since the 1970s that large clockwise (CW) rotations up to 140° with respect to the Hyblean-African foreland occurred synchronous with Tertiary shortening of the chain. The observation that rotations decrease stepwise from internal to external tectono-stratigraphic units led in the 1990s to a widely accepted model postulating that rotational thrust-sheet emplaced during forward orogenic propagation. More recently, other authors suggested that CW rotations from Sicily are conversely the result of late orogenic dextral strike-slip tectonics. Here we report on a paleomagnetic investigation of 30 Jurassic-Eocene s…
The Sicily dominates the central Mediterranean Sea. The Northern Sicily Continental Margin (NSCM) is a segment of the Appeninic-Tyrrhenian System whose upbuilding refers to both the postcollisional convergence between Africa and a very complex “European” crust (Bonardi et al., 2001) or AlKaPeKa (sensu Boullin, 1986) and the opening of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin. Seismostratigraphic and structural analysis of a large number of available (from ViDePi project) and unpublished (from Department of Earth and Marine Science of the University of Palermo) multichannel seismic reflection profiles acquired across the NSCM, allow us to produce an accurate seismotectonic map, in order to obtain a use…
Sismotettonica del Margine Continentale della Sicilia nord-occidentale: implicazioni per la valutazione del geohazard
I processi tettonici attivi nel margine continentale della Sicilia settentrionale (MCSS) sono stati analizzati per la realizzazione della carta sismotettonica, al fine di ottenere uno strumento utile per la valutazione della pericolosità sismica della regione. La carta sismotettonica è realizzata attraverso la sovrapposizione di layer che rappresentano la distribuzione di tematismi, quali litostratigrafia, tettonica, sismicità, flussi di calore, gravimetria, magnetometria, profondità della Moho, movimenti orizzontali e verticali, frane, fuoriuscite di fluidi, evidenziando la relazione tra questi e le strutture attive. Il MCSS si trova in una zona di transizione tra la catena siciliano-maghr…
3D structural modeling and restoration in fold-and-thrust belts: examples from the Kumeta and Busambra Mts., NW Sicily (Italy)
The Sicilian Fold and Thrust belt (SFTB) is a structurally complex area where along-strike variations of structural styles, shortening amounts, exhumation rates and amounts of syn-tectonic sedimentation frequently occur. Moreover strong differential clockwise rotations around vertical axes affected the different tectonic units during their emplacement. This complexity, coupled with debatable or incomplete subsurface dataset (e.g., available 2D onshore seismic lines) allowed previous authors to propose different interpretations for the tectonic evolution of the SFTB since Cenozoic time. The study area, located in the Western sector of the SFTB comprises the Kumeta and Busambra ridges (derive…
Multivariate modelling of geophysical tomography data to identify a tectonized area
An integrated analysis approach, based on geological investigations and 2D high-resolution shallow geophysical data, was proposed along a slope in the Bellolampo landfill area (Palermo, Italy) where the presence of a fault zone was hypothesized. Geophysical surveys included electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), induced polarization tomography (IPT) and seismic refraction tomography (SRT) techniques. The inversion of single geophysical parameter often does not allow to justify the complexity of the subsoil structures. The most appropriate solution should be to add additional physical or geological information so to get a constrained geological model. However, it is not at all easy to work…