Agate M.

Understanding paleomagnetic rotations in Sicily: thrust vs. strike-slipe tectonics

The paleomagnetic investigation of the western Sicily Maghrebian belt has revealed since the 1970s that large clockwise (CW) rotations up to 140° with respect to the Hyblean-African foreland occurred synchronous with Tertiary shortening of the chain. The observation that rotations decrease stepwise from internal to external tectono-stratigraphic units led in the 1990s to a widely accepted model postulating that rotational thrust-sheet emplaced during forward orogenic propagation. More recently, other authors suggested that CW rotations from Sicily are conversely the result of late orogenic dextral strike-slip tectonics. Here we report on a paleomagnetic investigation of 30 Jurassic-Eocene s…

research product

Geomorphological map of urban area of Palermo (Italy)

The results of a geomorphological survey carried out in the urban area of Palermo are described. The study area is located in the northern margin of Western Sicily and is part of the SE-verging Alpine orogenic belt (Catalano et al., 2013). An E-W mountain range (Sicilian Apennines) is the topographical expression of this belt (Di Maggio et al., 2017). In the Palermo area, the physical continuity of the mountain range is broken by a large topographically-depressed coastal area. This area is set on a half-graben and is characterized by a plain (Conca d’Oro plain), opened to sea and surrounded by wide scarps hundreds of meters tall to the inland. The wide and tall scarps are abandoned coastal …

research product

Structural mapping of Italian Seas: an integrated view of different geological events

Since 2012 an open working group, coordinated by ISPRA-SGI, involving researchers from various universities and research institutes, has been discussing the contents and representation of a “Structural map of Italian seas.” The first step was to identify, classify and reorganize existing data, to agree on the minimum descriptive requirements needed to define meaningful structural elements, to convey all of the available structural data and to elaborate a reasoned GIS representation of the relevant tectonic elements. Data represented in the last published version of national structural map (Bigi et al., 1990-92) have been updated and implemented by data and results obtained in the frame of t…

research product

La Conca d'Oro e la valle del Fiume Oreto

Il percorso si svolge in territori pianeggianti e collinari attraversando, da sud a nord, la Conca d’Oro e addentrandosi nella valle del Fiume Oreto. Sarà possibile osservare aspetti stratigrafici, tettonici e geomorfologici, rappresentativi delle aree costiere e montuose della Sicilia settentrionale, che raccontano un’evoluzione geologica di oltre duecento milioni di anni. All'interno della città di Palermo saranno inoltre illustrati aspetti che riguardano i geomateriali locali, impiegati sia nella pratica edile ordinaria come nella costruzione di beni storico-monumentali, e le opere antropiche legate allo sfruttamento del sottosuolo e delle risorse geologiche in genere, evidenziando il fo…

research product