
Lysty Mykoly Kočiša do Oleksy Myšanyča

In this article is presented a part of correspondence between Ukrainian Academic Oleksa Myšanyč and Mikola Kočiš, a linguist and writer from community of Rusyns of Bačka (Vojvo- dina, Serbia). Published documents allow to know more about the relationship between two prom- inent figures, about the events in the Rusyns community and about the scientific work of M.Kočyš.

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Le minoranze nazionali e i gruppi etnici in Ucraina come parte della questione linguistico-identitaria

The article aims at illustrating the linguistic situation of national minorities and ethnic groups in independent Ukraine. It describes the historical context in which minority groups in Ukraine were formed, as well as the main language identity issues that Ukraine had to face before and after 1991. The socio-political dynamics in which minorities lived in the first decades after 1991 are described. The main part outlines the situation of major minorities, provides data concerning the variation of specific groups and underlines how these numerical fluctuations have affected the linguistic situation of the country. The article takes into consideration statistical data, scientific articles an…

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Ukrajinci u Makedoniji. Statti ta interv'ju

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Paolo Rumiz pro Karpaty, rusyniv i rujiny istoriji

Writer, journalist and traveler Paolo Rumiz is one of the most important representatives of the Italian travel literature. His published works describe two trips to Ukraine in 1999 and 2008. In particular, this writer travels through the Ukrainian Carpathians. In his writings he uses the term Ruthenia, talks about the identity of the Ruthenians, writes about the peculiarities of the character of the local peoples. The aim of the present article is to present to the reader the works of an Italian expert on the Eastern European ethno-national context, to offer an Ukrainian translation and to describe the main characteristics of the works of this Italian writer.

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La colonizzazione del Sud-est ucraino: una questione etnica ucraino-russa nella lettura di Dmytro Bahalij

The Ukrainian-Russian ethnic question in Southeastern Ukraine has gained critical importance during the war unleashed by Moscow against Ukraine in February 2022; in this paper I analyze the question of the Ukrainian-Cossack and Muscovy colonization of this very region. I focus on the work by the Ukrainian scholar Dmytro Bahalij (1857-1932), a former member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences. Bahalij emphasizes the key difference between the Ukrainian-Cossack popular colonization of the steppe region and the Moscow administration of these territories. The paper examines some of the main writings by Bahalij and reviews critical articles about his works.

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Tajemnyci pansionu Onac'kych i rosijs'kyj faktor (za dokumentamy MVS Italiji 1930-1941)

The article deals with the activities of E.D.Onatsky (Onac’kyj) in the Kingdom of Italy in the early 30s of the XX century. The Ukrainian researcher, journalist and politician came to Italy as the head of the Press-office of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in Italy. He carried out scientific, journalistic and politic activities in the interwar period. During this period, Italy changed its foreign strategy: it proposed a Pact of four, became one of the main political players in Europe, signed a cooperation agreement with the USSR. The Ukrainian political activities in this period were under attention of the Italian political police. The active phase of observation was in 1933-1934, when the…

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La questione identitaria nella stampa dei rusyny della Jugoslavia nel periodo interbellico

This article analyses the role of the press in the development of the identity of the Rusyns from Baþka and Sirmium in the interwar period. The main data on the history and studies carried out on the community in the examined period are presented. The main part analyses the editorial policies of the «Ruski novini» edition, published by the Greek-Catholic intelligentsia of Pro-Ukrainian orientation, and «Zarja», which had Panslavic, pro-Moscow and pro-Orthodox positions.

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The publication includes commented correspondence

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Miž "Rusynamy" ta "Ukrajincjamy": rusyny-ukrajinci Bačky i Sremu u Socialistyčnij Juhoslaviji

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Lysty Štefana Hudaka do Oleksy Myšanyča

In this publication is presented the correspondence between Ukrainian Academic Oleksa Myshnych and Štefan Hudak, a writer and journalist and from community of Rusyns of Bačka and Sirmium (Vojvodina, Serbia). Published documents allow to analyze the cultural and national identity of Š. Hudak and to know more about the cultural life of Rusyns in former Yugoslavia.

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In this research we will talk about the term Hornїca in the language of the Rusyns who live in modern Serbia and Croatia. The origin of the toponym is due to historical and geographical factors. During the twentieth century, the community used this toponym in texts of various genres to describe the territory of its origin in the Carpathian region. This toponym is used with other geographical names - in particular Zakarpattja, or outdated or archaic forms of Carpathian Ukraine and Subcarpathian Rus`. The toponym belongs to the categories of macrotoponyms and exonyms. The article analyses how and when the term appeared in the editions of Rusyns of Bačka and Syrmia, what were the dynamics of i…

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Problema fonetyčnoji transkrypciji napivpomjakšenych pryholosych u pidručnykach z ukrajins'koji movy jak inozemnoji

L'articolo ha come obiettivo l'elaborazione di una proposta di trascrizione fonetica delle consonanti semipalatalizzate in ucraino per mezzo dei simboli dell'Alfabeto fonetico internazionale, da usare nei manuali destinati agli studenti stranieri. Vengono prese in considerazione diverse problematiche, tra cui: la limitatezza dei mezzi grafici dell'alfabeto fonetico per esprimere alcune particolarità della correlazione palatale; la resa ortografica delle semi-palatalizzate in ucraino e la sua corrispondenza alla loro pronuncia comune; la tendenza di alcune consonanti palatalizzate all'indurimento e i diversi modi di pronunciare le semi-palatalizzate. Nel lavoro vengono analizzati i contribut…

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