Maria Mancuso
Carte marine e rischi geologici
The investigations carried out by the "Gruppo di Geologia Marina" of the Palermo University in the framework of the CARG project, have been focused on the marine sectors between the Egadi Islands offshore and the Cefalù Basin (NW Sicilian offshore). The research activities have yielded new results on the following fields: (i) sedimentation and coastal dynamics, (ii) sea bottom cartography and mapping of submerged structures, (iii) morpho-bathymetry and geological risk assessment
Sequence stratigraphy of the Late Neogene – Quaternary deposits in the Egadi Islands offshore (NW Sicily)
How does climate change affect a fishable resource? The case of the royal sea cucumber (Parastichopus regalis) in the central Mediterranean Sea
Holothurians or sea cucumbers are key organisms in marine ecosystems that, by ingesting large quantities of sediments, provide important ecosystem services. Among them, Parastichopus regalis (Cuvier, 1817) is one of the living sea cucumbers in the Mediterranean actively fished for human consumption mainly in Spain, where it is considered a gastronomic delicacy. In the Strait of Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea), this species is not exploited for commercial use even if it is used as bait by longline fishery. P. regalis is frequently caught by bottom trawling and discarded at sea by fishers after catch, and because of its capacity to resist air exposition (at least in cold months), it is rea…