Pundy Pillay
The Rise of the BRICS and Higher Education Dynamics
This book deals with the developments, policies and perspectives of higher education in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—the BRICS countries. Our starting point is the evolution of the higher education systems in the BRICS countries, looking less, however, at the institutional dimensions of the universities and more at the broader context (e.g. operational and regulatory) in terms of four main issues or core themes, namely: supply and demand, stakeholders, governmental policy and research and innovation in the light of international trends and globalization.
Higher Education in the BRICS: Key Lessons and the Road Ahead
The assumptions, by the volume editors and most contributors, at the beginning of this research adventure were that, despite the ongoing policy discourse surrounding the rise of the BRICS, were characterized by fundamental differences as regards the dynamics within the higher education sector and the links with societal actors on the one hand and macro level trends (such as demography and rising urbanization) on the other. The rich empirical accounts provided in this volume—around the four main themes surveyed—suggest that our assumptions were largely correct. Considerable differences do exist amongst the BRICS.
Higher education and economic development in the OECD: policy lessons for other countries and regions
ABSTRACTThis paper sheds light on the role of tertiary or higher education in economic development across two successful OECD case studies: Finland and South Korea. A number of key aspects are discussed, from the nature of the social contract between higher education and the economy to the endogenous characteristics of domestic higher education to the links between the sector and regional development, innovation and the labour market. The lessons learned are of importance to policy makers and institutional planners across the world, not least to less developing nations and regions, due to the unprecedented opportunities brought by a global, knowledge-based economy.