Nuria Oliver
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track
The role of eutrophication reduction of two small man-made Mediterranean lagoons in the context of a broader remediation system: Effects on water quality and plankton contribution
In order to meet the requirements of the European Union Water Framework Directive for the Albufera de Valencia (AV) Natural Park, in 2009, several areas of free water surface constructed wetlands (FWSCWs) planted with emergent vegetation and two small shallow lagoons planted with submerged macrophytes were created over a 40-ha area formerly occupied by rice fields. This area is currently a reserve known as Tancat de la Pipa. The dual goal of this programme was to improve the quality of the hyper-eutrophicated waters of the AV lagoon, the largest littoral lagoon in the Iberian Peninsula, and to restore former lost habitats to increase the biodiversity of the area. The lagoons were mainly fed…