Beatriz Herrero-jiménez

The impact of media and NGOs on four European Parliament discourses about conflicts in the Middle East

There is empirical evidence of media influence on parliamentary agenda, especially when media coverage privileges conflict framing of reality and negativity. This article addresses the impact of me...

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La regulación contra el discurso de odio hacia el colectivo LGTBI en los medios: Análisis comparado de diez leyes autonómicas

En los últimos años, los delitos de odio cometidos en España contra la comunidad LGTBI han aumentado progresivamente, como también lo ha hecho la propagación del discurso de odio en los medios de comunicación. En paralelo, diversos parlamentos autonómicos han aprobado leyes dirigidas a erradicar la violencia ejercida contra las personas gais, lesbianas, transexuales, bisexuales e intersexuales. Estas normas coinciden en dedicar parte de sus disposiciones a los medios de comunicación, en la medida en que estos constituyen actores de importancia en la lucha contra la discriminación por orientación sexual o identidad de género. Esta investigación desarrolla un análisis comparado de las diez no…

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Violent Conflicts and the New Mediatization: The Impact of Social Media on the European Parliamentary Agenda Regarding the Syrian War

As key institutions in Western democracies, parliaments have gained importance regarding foreign affairs issues in recent years. Their increasing role as moral tribunes and discussion forums on conflict prevention and resolution have led to the parliamentarization of international affairs. The examination of the parliamentary agenda and the actors who shape it constitutes a fundamental part of agenda-setting studies as applied to the media and political systems. Among these actors, mass media must be highlighted, taking into account the complex process of information gathering for members of Parliament, particularly in cases related to international violent conflicts. Moreover, in the speci…

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The proceedings of Spanish Audiovisual Councils on discriminatory discourse

Mass media, and especially television, are powerful discursive instruments, responsible for the construction of social imagery through ideologically determined content. For this reason, the creation of a regulatory body with authority over the audiovisual sector in countries without one was urged by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 2000. Spain is the only EU country without an audiovisual council with authority at the state level. Currently, only the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (CAC), created in 2000, and the Audiovisual Council of Andalusia (CAA), which dates from 2004, operate in Spain. Within an environment increasingly marked by hate speech, this research anal…

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