Ingrid Moller-racke
Neue experimente über die Augenstielbewegungen vonCarcinus maenas
Carcinus maenas was filmed in normal active movement. When turning actively,carcinus maenas showed optomotoric reactions. The reactions were irregular when carcinus maenas was blinded or when the environment was homogeneous.
Über das Wesen der optomotorischen Reaktionen
Flying and swimming animals need to be able to avoid passive displacement by air and water currents. Optomotor reactions essentially serve this purpose. The animals must be able to distinguish precisely between sensory stimulation caused by passive displacement and by active locomotion. Stimulation due to active movements does not release optomotor reactions. Apparent exceptions to this rule, occurring only under artificial circumstances, are caused by a derangement of either normal sensory stimulation or normal movement and, consequently, of their normal correlation. Examples of both cases are discussed.
Neue Beobachtungen über den Farbensinn der Insekten
The degree of luminosity of the following pigmented (Ostwald) papers; orange, yellow, green and blue, has been determined for certain Rhopalocera by means of the optomotor reaction.
Neues zur Optomotorik der Insekten
(1) It was shown that the optomotoric reaction of the ColeopteraCalandra oryzae is influenced by the existence of a stationary striped cylinder, placed inside the rotated cylinder.