Mohammad Iqbal
Extract information of polarization imaging from local matching stereo
Since polarization of light was used in the field of computer vision, the research of polarization vision is rapidly growing. Polarization vision has been shown to simplify some important image understanding tasks that can be more difficult to be performed with intensity vision. Furthermore, it has computational efficiency because it only needs grayscale images and can be easily applied by a simple optical setup. Nowadays, we can find various types of polarization cameras in the market. However, they are very expensive. In our work, we will study and develop a low price polarization camera setup with parallel acquisition using a stereo system. This system requires only two general cameras e…
Choosing local matching score method for stereo matching based-on polarization imaging
Polarization imaging is a powerful tool to observe hidden information from an observed object. It has significant advantages, such as computational efficiency (it only needs gray scale images) and can be easily applied by adding a polarizer in front of a camera. Many researchers used polarization in various areas of computer vision, such as object recognition, segmentation and so on. However, there is very little research in stereo vision based on polarization. Stereo vision is a well known technique for obtaining depth information from pairs of stereo digital images. One of the main focuses of research in this area is to get accurate stereo correspondences. In our work, we will study and d…
Polarization stereoscopic imaging prototype
The polarization of light was introduced last ten years ago in the field of imaging system is a physical phenomenon that can be controlled for the purposes of the vision system. As that found in the human eyes, in general the imaging sensors are not under construction which is sensitive to the polarization of light. These properties can be measured by adding optical components on a conventional camera. The purpose of this thesis is to develop an imaging system that is sensitive both to the stereoscopic and to the state of polarization. As well as the visual system on a various of insects in nature such as bees, that are have capability to move in space by extracted relevant information from…