Kārlis ŠVirksts

Effective Degradation of Cigarette Butts via Treatment with Old Landfill Leachates

In this paper, results of feasibility study on microplastics (MPs) assessment in leachates from the Latvian solid municipal landfill Getliņi are discussed. The application of leachates for the treatment of cigarette butts (CGB) was evaluated. Methods of fluorescent microscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and FTIR-microscopy were used for the identification and characterization of MPs in the leachates and analysis of CGB. Presence of the secondary MPs (e.g., degraded polyolefin mixtures) was determined in the tested landfill leachates, while cellulose acetate (CA) was not determined in these products. The leachates were tested as potential media for the thermophilic (55°C)…

research product

Simple Solution for Single Final Vial Filling of Ga-68 Radiopharmaceuticals in One Hot Cell Isolator at Small-Scale Radiopharmacy Laboratories under Aseptic Conditions

A simple solution for fulfilling biosafety and national drug agency demands of radiation and biosafety during Ga-68 radionuclide containing radiopharmaceutical production (RP) by small scale laboratories has been demonstrated based on a novel sterile seal concept of multi-layer bag system prototype. These mid-and inner enclosures of the prototype with vial inside were sterilized by 50 kGy of gamma radiation. The microbial safety validation based on two-week testing confirmed successful sterilization of the sealing bags with vails. The analysis of physicochemical properties, namely mechanical properties, gel fraction studies revealed that sterilization did not cause any undesired changes in …

research product

Effect of Isothiocyanates on the Activity of <i>Lactobacillus plantarum</i> Exposed to Irradiation

Two isothiocyanates, i.e., sulforaphane (SFA) and sulforaphene (SFE), are suggested to be used as an alternative chemopreventive diet. This study was focused on the effect of SFA and SFE on Lactobacillus plantarum, which has been subjected to the irradiation (2-50 Gy). The cultures grown in De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) and Tryptone Soya Broth (TSB) were compared in terms of bacteria physiological activity under tested conditions. Broth composition notably influenced the bacteria growth kinetic parameters, as well as culture response to the oxidative stress. Activity of L. plantarum cells after irradiation was evaluated by their dehydrogenase (DHA) and quinone-reductase (QR) activities. T…

research product

Furjē transformācijas infrasarkanās (FTIS) spektroskopijas izmantošana bioparaugu makromolekulārā sastāva kvalitatīvām un kvantitatīvām analīzēm

Darba mērķis – metodikas izstrāde bioparaugu kvantitatīvajai un kvalitatīvajai analīzei, izmantojot FTIS spektroskopiju. Izmantojot FTIS spektroskopiju tika iegūti dažādu makromolekulāro standartu un to maisījumu infrasarkanie spektri, kas tika apstrādāti ar integrālo metodi. Ar šīs metodes palīdzību tika izveidotas kalibrācijas līknes individuālu makromolekulāro komponentu koncentrācijas noteikšanai šķīdumā. Analizējot makromolekulāro komponentu maisījumus, tika atrasti iespējams piemērotākie infrasarkano spektru apgabali, lai makromolekulāro komponentu maisījumā noteiktu katras atsevišķās komponentes koncentrāciju un to procentuālo sastāvu šķīdumā. Iegūtos rezultātus var izmantot par pama…

research product