A. V. Palii
Anisotropic double exchange in orbitally degenerate mixed valence systems
Abstract The problem of the double exchange is considered for the mixed valence dimers in which one or both transition metal ions possess orbitally degenerate ground states. In the pseudo-angular momentum representation, the general formula is deduced for the matrix elements of double exchange involving the transfer integrals and all spin and orbital quantum numbers. The pairs 3 T 1 t 2 2 – 2 T 2 t 2 1 and 3 T 1 t 2 2 – 4 A 2 t 2 3 are considered in three high-symmetric topologies: edge-shared D2h, corner-shared D4h, and face-shared D3h bioctahedra. The double exchange in orbitally degenerate systems is shown to produce strong magnetic anisotropy of an orbital nature. The character of the a…
An updated version of the computational package SIMPRE that uses the standard conventions for Stevens crystal field parameters
The crystal field approach used by SIMPRE is analyzed, verifying the exactness of the results concerning energy levels and magnetic properties calculated by the package. To coincide with the prevailing conventions, we reformulate the presentation of the crystal field parameters, so that the results are now, also from a formal point of view, strictly correct. New calculations are presented to test the influence of neglecting the excited J states, a common but critical approximation employed by SIMPRE. For that, we examine the case of Er(trensal) complex (H3 trensal = 2,2',2″-tris(salicylideneimino)triethylamine) where the influence of this approximation is found to be minimal. A patched vers…
Exchange transfer in high-nuclearity mixed valence magnetic clusters: Theoretical approach and expected manifestations
Abstract We report here a general solution of the exchange transfer problem in the high-nuclearity mixed valence clusters containing arbitrary number of itinerant electrons. The concept of two kinds of exchange transfer, namely kinetic and potential, is introduced by analogy with basic Anderson's mechanisms of the magnetic exchange. The kinetic exchange transfer is treated as a second order transfer process between two centres through the excited state of a third centre. The potential exchange transfer is also considered as a three-centre interaction but in this case only the ground states of the constituent ions are involved. The actual parameters of the exchange transfer are expected to b…
Insight Into The Spin-Vibronic Problem of a Mixed Valence Magnetic Molecular Cell for Quantum Cellular Automata.
The effects of the vibronic coupling in quantum cellular automata (QCA) based on the square planar mixed valence (MV) molecular cells comprising four paramagnetic centers (spin cores) and two excess mobile electrons are analyzed in the important particular case when the Coulomb energy gap between the ground antipodal diagonal-type two-electron configurations and the excited side-type configurations considerably exceeds both the one-electron transfer parameter (strong U-limit) and the vibronic stabilization energy. Under such conditions the developed model involves the second-order double exchange, the Heisenberg-Dirac-Van Vleck (HDVV) exchange and the vibronic coupling of the excess electro…
Localisation vs. delocalisation in the dimeric mixed-valence clusters in the generalised vibronic model. Magnetic manifestations
Abstract The problem of localisation–delocalisation in the dimeric mixed-valence clusters is considered in the framework of the generalised vibronic model. The model takes into account both the local vibrations on the metal sites (Piepho–Krausz–Schatz model) and the multicenter (molecular) vibrations changing the intermetallic distances (as suggested by Piepho). In the framework of the semiclassical adiabatic approach the potential surfaces are analysed and different kinds of localised and delocalised states are found. On the basis of the calculated degrees of the localisation the conventional Robin and Day classification of mixed-valence compounds is reconsidered in view of the generalised…
Spin Switching in Molecular Quantum Cellular Automata Based on Mixed-Valence Tetrameric Units
In this article we focus on the study of spin effects in a single square-planar mixed-valence cell comprising two electrons and in coupled molecular cells for quantum cellular automata. Using the vibronic model we demonstrate that the polarizabilities of the cell are different in spin-singlet and spin-triplet states of the electronic pair. Based on this inference the concept of spin switching in molecular quantum cellular automata is proposed, and the conditions under which this effect is feasible are derived. In order to reveal these conditions we have performed a series of quantum-mechanical calculations of the vibronic energy levels of the isolated cell and of the cell subjected to the e…
Localization–Delocalization in Bridged Mixed-Valence Metal Clusters: Vibronic PKS Model Revisited
Here we describe a new vibronic model of mixed valence (MV) dimer inspired by the conventional Piepho, Krausz, and Schatz (PKS) approach. We attempted to partially lift the main restriction of the PKS model dealing with the vibronically independent moieties of a MV molecule. The refined version of the PKS model in which the bridging ligands are included deals with the three main interactions: electron transfer (integral t0) related to the high-symmetric ligand configuration, on-site vibronic coupling (parameter υ) arising from the modulation of the crystal field on the metal sites by the breathing displacements of their nearest ligand surroundings, and intercenter vibronic coupling (paramet…
Magnetic exchange interaction in clusters of orbitally degenerate ions. II. Application of the irreducible tensor operator technique
Abstract The irreducible tensor operator technique in R3 group is applied to the problem of kinetic exchange between transition metal ions possessing orbitally degenerate ground states in the local octahedral surrounding. Along with the effective exchange Hamiltonian, the related interactions (low-symmetry crystal field terms, Coulomb interaction between unfilled electronic shells, spin–orbit coupling and Zeeman interaction) are also taken into account within a unified computational scheme. Extension of this approach to high-nuclearity systems consisting of transition metal ions in the orbital triplet ground states is also demonstrated. As illustrative examples, the corner-shared D4h dimers…
Exchange-transfer in mixed-valence clusters with one migrating hole
Abstract A new mechanism for exchange-transfer specific to hole-type mixed-valence clusters is proposed. The intermediate state in the second-order exchange-transfer process is achieved by the jump of the electron from the spin-core of the dn+1 ion into the empty orbital of the dn ion. As distinguished from the mixed-valence clusters with one delocalized electron this intermediate state is the high-spin one giving rise to a ferromagnetic contribution to the ground manifold. On the basis of angular momentum theory a general solution of the exchange-transfer problem is given for arbitrary nuclearity mixed-valence hole-type clusters with many-electron paramagnetic spin-cores. The interplay bet…
Magnetic exchange interaction in clusters of orbitally degenerate ions. I. Effective Hamiltonian
Abstract A new effective Hamiltonian is reported for the kinetic exchange between two arbitrary terms 2S A +1 Λ A and 2S B +1 Λ B that can be ground or excited in octahedrally coordinated transition metal ions. This Hamiltonian is applicable to both homo- and heterometallic clusters. For the homonuclear cluster the resonance part of the effective Hamiltonian is also presented for the case when one of the ions is excited. The operator part of the exchange Hamiltonian contains symmetry adapted products of the cubic irreducible tensors acting in orbital spaces ΛA and ΛB and scalar product of site spin operators. The parameters of the Hamiltonian are defined by the relevant intercenter transfer…
Exchange Interactions II: Spin Hamiltonians
In Part I the physical mechanism of exchange interactions have been discussed. In this part we introduce the general concept of spin-hamiltonian. Isotropic exchange hamiltonian for many-electron polynuclear clusters (Heisenberg-Dirac-van Vleck-HDVV model [1-6]) will be derived. Spin-hamiltonian approach allows to separate the full exchange problem into two independent ones: 1) evaluation of the energy levels of the exchange system considering Jij as a set of semiempirical parameters, and 2) quantum mechanical calculation of exchange parameters with the aim of elucidation of the main physical mechanisms of the exchange coupling. In this part we shall focus on the problem of calculation of sp…