L. Fredj

Meson production inp+U, O+U and S+U interactions at 200 GeV/nucleon

Meson production in proton, oxygen and sulphur interactions with uranium targets at 200 GeV/nucleon is studied. We measure the inclusive meson cross-section d σ/dPT2 and its evolution fromp+U to S+U. The cross-section fitted with an exponential gives an inverse slopePT0 of the order of 210 MeV/c. As a function of the neutral transverse energy,PT0 values show a slight rise followed by a plateau. The normalized difference (σ+−σ−)/σ− between positive and negative meson cross-sections is found to increase withET.

research product

Study of J/$\psi$ production in p-U, O-U and S-U interactions at 200 GeV per nucleon

Abstract In a search for quark-gluon plasma formation, the production of J/ψ and muon pairs in the mass continuum region is studied in oxygen-uranium and sulphur-uranium interactions. The yield of J/ψ relative to the continuum is measured to be a decreasing function of the neutral transverse energy produced in the collision, i.e. of the energy density. A comparison is made with proton-uranium reactions.

research product

φ, ϱ, and ω production in pU, OU and SU reactions at 200 GeV per nucleon

Abstract Low mass muon pair production at high P T and low X F studied in pU, OU and SU 200 GeV per nucleon react ions. When energy density or projectile mass are increased, φ production is enhanced as compared with the yield of muon pairs in the mass continuum (1.7 M μμ c 2 ), whereas the production of ω and ϱ, experimentally unresolved, remains approximately constant. This φ enhancement is in agreement with predictions based on quark-gluon plasma formation and, together with the previously reported J/Ψ suppression, puts severe constraints on a purely hadronic description of nucleus-nucleus collisions.

research product

Transverse energy distributions in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 200 GeV/nucleon

Abstract The transverse energy ET distributions of nucleus-nucleus collisions are studied in the framework of a simple geometrical model. The distributions for inclusive production of J ψ and muon pairs in the mass continuum are analyzed. The shape of the ET distribution of the continuum agreed with the model. The previously oberved decrease of the ratio ( J ψ )/continuum with increasing ET is due to the behavior of the J ψ .

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Transverse momentum of produced in pCu, pU, 16OCu, 16OU and 32SU collisions at 200 GeV per nucleon

research product

Transverse momentum of j/$\psi$ produced in oxygen-uranium collisions at 200 GeV per nucleon

Abstract The study of the J ψ transverse momentum distribution in oxygen-uranium reactions at 200 GeV/nucleon shows that 〈PT〉 and 〈PT2〉 increase with the transverse energy of the reaction. Muon pairs in the mass continuum do not exhibit the same behaviour. The comparison of the J ψ production rates in central and peripheral collisions shows a significant diminution for low PT central events.

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