Mohan Lal Kolheb


Electricity demand management by optimising the use of HVAC and HWS through AMI

The consumption of electricity is increasing with consistent increase in demand of electricity. Advance metering infrastructure (AMI) is a part of energy management system (EMS) that can pro-actively control the consumption of electricity by engaging with utilities for demand management in real-time. The analysis of the electricity consumption pattern of an Australian house is conducted in this study. The investigation reveals that Heat Ventilation Air conditioning (HVAC) and Hot Water System (HWS) consume approximately 50% of the total electricity consumption. Optimised utilization of these two systems efficiently using AMI can help in reduction of electricity consumption. The study also i…

research product

Optimal power tracking for autonomous demand side management of electric vehicles

Increasing electric vehicle penetration leads to undesirable peaks in power if no proper coordination in charging is implemented. We tested the feasibility of electric vehicles acting as flexible demands responding to power signals to minimize the system peaks. The proposed hierarchical autonomous demand side management algorithm is formulated as an optimal power tracking problem. The distribution grid operator determines a power signal for filling the valleys in the non-electric vehicle load profile using the electric vehicle demand flexibility and sends it to all electric vehicle controllers. After receiving the control signal, each electric vehicle controller re-scales it to the expected…

research product

Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Using CNN-RNN and Transfer Learning

Cognitive radio has been proposed to improve spectrum utilization in wireless communication. Spectrum sensing is an essential component of cognitive radio. The traditional methods of spectrum sensing are based on feature extraction of a received signal at a given point. The development in artificial intelligence and deep learning have given an opportunity to improve the accuracy of spectrum sensing by using cooperative spectrum sensing and analyzing the radio scene. This research proposed a hybrid model of convolution and recurrent neural network for spectrum sensing. The research further enhances the accuracy of sensing for low SNR signals through transfer learning. The results of modellin…

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Simple Lossless Inductive Snubbers-Assisted Series Load Resonant Inverter Operating under ZCS-PDM Scheme for High-Frequency Induction Heating Fixed Roller

This paper presents a high-frequency pulse-density-modulated (PDM) soft-switching series load resonant inverter for use in induction heating (IH) fixed roller applications, which is used in copy and printing machines. The proposed simple high-frequency resonant inverter uses an asymmetrical pulse pattern PDM control scheme to achieve complete zero-current soft-switching commutations over a wide output range of input power regulation. Additionally, when the printer toner requires operation in very light load conditions, this causes difficulty in achieving zero-voltage or zero-current soft-switching operations in the IH high-frequency resonant inverters with pulse frequency modulation or puls…

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Evaluating Anomaly Detection Algorithms through different Grid scenarios using k-Nearest Neighbor, iforest and Local Outlier Factor

Author's accepted manuscript © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Detection of anomalies based on smart meter data is crucial to identify potential risks and unusual events at an early stage. The available advanced information and communicating platform and computational capability renders smart grid prone to attacks with extreme social, financial an…

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Impacts of electricity pricing on techno-economic performance of photovoltaic-battery centered microgrid

The energy management technique in a microgrid, plays very crucial role for making it more economic viable during the electricity energy pricing dynamics. It is vital to investigate the impact of e...

research product

Patch-Based Image Denoising Model for Mixed Gaussian Impulse Noise Using L1 Norm

Image denoising is the classes of technique used to free the image form the noise. The noise in the image may be added during the observation process due to the improper setting of the camera lance, low-resolution camera, cheap, and low-quality sensors, etc. Noise in the image may also be added during the image restoration, image transmission through the transmission media. To obtain required information from image, image must be noise free, i.e., high-frequency details must be present in the image. There are number of applications where image denoising is needed such as remote location detection, computer vision, computer graphics, video surveillance, etc. In last two decades, numbers of m…

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On-grid residential development with photovoltaic systems in Southern Norway

The application of residential photovoltaic (PV) systems is increasing rapidly worldwide. In Southern Norway, a group of on-grid smart houses with embedded PV systems, solar thermal collectors, and geothermal heat pumps are under development at Skarpnes. In this paper, performance analysis based on simulations of an on-grid residential house with PV system located at Skarpnes is presented. This project is expected to demonstrate zero energy and zero emission housing in Norway. This paper discusses a theoretical study of home energy consumption with electricity production for a single house from a PV system, including simulations of irradiation conditions and tilt angles, and of the PV syste…

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Blockchain-based trust management and authentication of devices in smart grid

The digitalization of the power grid and advancement in intelligent technologies have enabled the service provider to convert the existing electrical grid into a smart grid. The transformation of the grid will help in integrating cleaner energy technologies with energy management to improve power network efficiency. Internet of things (IoT) and various network components need to be deployed to harness the full potential of the smart grid. Also, integrating intermittent renewable energy sources, energy storage, intelligent control of selected power-intensive loads, etc will improve energy efficiency. But deployment of this information and communication technologies will make the grid more vu…

research product

Review of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction—A Basic Approach

An increasing emphasis on energy storage has resulted in a surge of R&D efforts into producing catalyst materials for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) with emphasis on decreasing the usage of platinum group metals (PGMs). Alkaline water electrolysis holds promise for satisfying future energy storage demands, however the intrinsic potential of this technology is impeded by sluggish reaction kinetics. Here, we summarize the latest efforts within alkaline HER electrocatalyst design, where these efforts are divided between three catalyst design strategies inspired by the three prevailing theories describing the pH-dependence of the HER activity. Modifying the electronic structure of a …

research product

Placement analysis of combined renewable and conventional distributed energy resources within a radial distribution network

<abstract> <p>System islanding, relay tripping, and reverse power flow-like issues in the distribution network are all caused by randomly placed distributed energy resources. To minimize such problems, distributed energy resource (DER) optimal placement in the radial distribution network (RDN) is essential to reduce power loss and enhance the voltage profile. When placing DERs, consideration of constraints like size, location, number, type, and power factor (PF) should be considered. For optimal placement, renewable and nonrenewable DERs are considered. The effects of different types and PFs of DER placements have been tested on the IEEE 33 bus RDN to satisfy all limitations. Us…

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Techno-economic sizing of off-grid hybrid renewable energy system for rural electrification in Sri Lanka

Abstract Off-grid hybrid renewable-energy-based power systems for rural electrification have become an attractive solution for areas where grid electricity is not feasible. Hybrid energy systems use several energy technologies, and the selection of proper technologies with optimum sizing of the selected components has become very important. The objective of this study has been to investigate the optimum configuration of a hybrid system that can supply electricity to a rural community in Sri Lanka. A rural village in Siyambalanduwa (Sri Lanka) comprising approximately 150 households with a resultant daily electricity demand of 270 kWh and a nighttime peak of 25 kW has been studied. This regi…

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