Angel Ramirez
Prospective, Observational Study To Assess The Safety Of Rituximab In Combination With Chemotherapy In Patients With Previously-Untreated Or Relapsed Or Refractory B Cell-Lineage Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (B-CLL): Preliminary Results
Abstract Aim and Background The efficacy and safety of rituximab plus chemo (R+chemo) for first-line and relapsed B-CLL patients(pts) have been widely investigated in clinical trials and large patient cohorts, but much less is known about whether such regimens can be effectively and safely administered to unselected pts in the community setting to reflect the routine care of B-CLL pts. Therefore, this observational study was designed to characterize the type, severity and frequency of all adverse events occurring on-treatment and in the year following rituximab infusion. A secondary objective was to assess response rate (CR/nPR/PR), duration of response, disease-free survival, overall survi…
Single‐agent daratumumab in patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma requiring dialysis: results of a Spanish retrospective, multicentre study