Illia Martsinkevich
Hirālu piridīna organokatalizatoru izstrāde un pielietojums
Maģistra darba ietvaros tika izstrādāta hirālu DMAP organokatalizatoru sintēze. Iegūto organokatalizatoru aktivitāte tika pārbaudīta tetrazola hemiaminālu dinamiskajā kinētiskajā sadalīšanā.
Chemical Composition Analysis, Antimicrobial Activity and Cytotoxicity Screening of Moss Extracts (Moss Phytochemistry)
Mosses have been neglected as a study subject for a long time. Recent research shows that mosses contain remarkable and unique substances with high biological activity. The aim of this study, accordingly, was to analyze the composition of mosses and to screen their antimicrobial and anticancer activity. The total concentration of polyphenols and carbohydrates, the amount of dry residue and the radical scavenging activity were determined for a preliminary evaluation of the chemical composition of moss extracts. In order to analyze and identify the substances present in mosses, two types of extrahents (chloroform, ethanol) and the GC/MS and LC-TOF-MS methods were used. The antimicrobial activ…