Mercè Balasch I Bernat
Neurorehabilitación en pacientes mayores con ictus subagudo : factores predictores, niveles de recuperación y relación entre distintas escalas de valoración
INTRODUCCIÓN Se han detectado ciertas regularidades en el patrón de recuperación de los pacientes con secuelas de ictus. Se han identificado también múltiples factores predictores de su recuperación. Además del uso de las escalas de valoración como herramientas predictivas, la literatura insiste en la definición de niveles de recuperación a través de dichas escalas. OBJETIVOS -Comprobar la evolución temporal de la mejora en pacientes mayores con ictus sometidos a un programa interdisciplinar de neurorehabilitación. -Identificar factores relacionados con el estado de salud al ingreso así como aquellos influyentes sobre el grado y ritmo de la recuperación. -Determinar puntos de corte de inter…
Determining cut-off points in functional assessment scales in stroke
[EN] BACKGROUND: A wide variety of well-validated assessment scales of functioning and disability have been developed for stroke population. However, these instruments have limitations in their interpretation. Therefore, determining cut-off points for their categorization becomes necessary. OBJECTIVES: To determine cut-off points for the BI, FIM and FAM scales to differentiate clinical disability categories and to establish the relationship between mRS and DOS scales. METHODS: One hundred and six adults with ischemic or haemorrhagic stroke were mainly recruited from a rehabilitation facility (Hospitales Nisa, Valencia, Spain). RESULTS: A high correlation was observed between the DOS and mRS…
Development of predictive models for the estimation of the probability of suffering fear of falling and other fall risk factors based on posturography parameters in community-dwelling older adults
Falls pose an important problem for older adults. Balance training is one of the main prevention strategies, but there is a lack of objective measurement methods that would allow the effectiveness of the treatments employed to be assessed. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between posturographic parameters and risk factors associated with falling, including the fear of falling (FoF). Forty-one healthy community-dwelling older adults were surveyed on their perception of problems considered to be fall risk factors. Balance measurement with posturography was performed. The relationships between risk factors and falls and risk factors and posturography were analysed by means of cross…
Conditioned Pain Modulation Is Not Impaired in Individuals with Frozen Shoulder: A Case-Control Study
Frozen shoulder (FS) is a poorly understood condition resulting in substantial shoulder pain and mobility deficits. The mechanisms behind FS are not yet fully understood, but, similar to other persistent pain states, central pain mechanisms may contribute to ongoing symptoms in this population. The objective of this research was to investigate conditioned pain modulation (CPM) in people with FS compared with pain-free individuals. A total of 64 individuals with FS and 64 healthy volunteers participated in this cross-sectional study. CPM was assessed by using the pressure pain threshold (PPT) and an occlusion cuff (tourniquet test) as the test and conditioning stimulus, respectively. The abs…
Study of the recovery patterns of elderly subacute stroke patients in an interdisciplinary neurorehabilitation unit
Background This study seeks to establish the facts of the improvement over time in elderly poststroke patients. Methods A retrospective study was performed with regard to 106 subacute stroke patients aged older than 65 years, who were treated in an interdisciplinary neurorehabilitation unit. Three assessment points were established (on admission, 6 months post-onset, and 12 months post-onset), with the scores relative to 10 assessment scales having been collected at each point. Results By means of a principal component analysis, a first component was obtained, which is taken to represent a combined index of the 10 scales and to express the overall health status of the patient. An analysis o…
Material docent de l'assignatura Fisioteràpia en Especialitats Clíniques III
Es trata d'una compilació de diapositives utilitzades com a material docent de l'assignatura Fisioteràpia en Especialitats Clíniques III de 3er curs del Grau en Fisioteràpia. El temari comprèn aspectes tant teòrics com pràctics relacionats amb la fisioteràpia aplicada a l'àmbit de la promoció de la salut i la prevenció de les patologies més prevalents tant en la població adulta com d'adults majors. Al llarg del temari es presenten diverses estratègies basades principalment en l'aplicació d'exercici com a ferramenta per a la promoció de la salut així com modalitats específiques d'exercici terapéutic per a l'abordatge de les disfuncions més freqüents entre els adults i els adults majors. This…