Impact of Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Training Sessions on the Attitudes, Beliefs and Recommendations of Health Care Providers about Low Back Pain: A Randomised Clinical Trial
The beliefs and attitudes of health care providers may contribute to chronic low back pain (LBP) disability, influencing the recommendations that they provide to their patients. An excessively biomedical style of undergraduate training can increase negative beliefs and attitudes about LBP, whereas instruction following a biopsychosocial model could possibly lessen these negative beliefs in health care professionals. The objectives of this study were to determine the effectiveness of 2 brief educational modules with different orientations (biomedical or biopsychosocial) on changing the beliefs and attitudes of physical therapy students and the recommendations that they give to patients. The …
Efectos de la aplicación del Kinesio taping™ en el diafragma en el resultado la cicloergoespirometría y la prueba marcha de 6 minutos
Resumen Objetivo El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar si la aplicacion de tecnica diafragmatica anterior de Kinesio™ taping (KT) mejora el rendimiento deportivo de sujetos sanos. Diseno Pruebas repetidas, aleatorizacion en el orden de realizacion de las pruebas con o sin vendaje. Material y metodos La muestra del estudio incluyo a 17 sujetos, con edades comprendidas entre los 21 y los 38 anos, 10 varones y 7 mujeres. Se realizaron pruebas de cicloerogespirometria y de marcha de 6 minutos. Los sujetos fueron citados en dos dias distintos, con una semana de diferencia, de forma que un dia se realizaban las pruebas con KT y otro dia sin el vendaje diafragmatico. En primer lugar se calculo …
Psychometric Properties and factor structure of the spanish version of the HC-PAIRS questionnaire
Objective To develop a Spanish version of the Health Care Providers" Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS) and to test its psychometric properties. Methods A forward and backward translation methodology was used to translate the questionnaire, which was then applied to 206 participants (174physiotherapy students and 32 family physicians). The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to assess testretest reliability. Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach"s alpha and item analysis. Construct validity was measured using Pearson correlation coefficients between HC-PAIRS and FABQ, FABQ-Phys, FABQ-Work and the responses given by participants to three clinical case…
Effects of exercise programs on physical function and activity levels in patients undergoing hemodialysis: a randomized controlled trial
Background There are still many barriers when implementing exercise routines within daily dialysis care, even though benefits are well-known. Developing cost-effective strategies is necessary to overcome these barriers and include exercise as a complementary therapy in dialysis. Aim To compare several exercise programs on hemodialysis patient's functional capacity and health-related quality of life. Design This study was a 16-week follow-up, two-parallel group trial with balanced randomization. Setting Participants in this study belonged to a private hospitalized care center. Population Referred sample of 71 patients that suffered end-stage chronic kidney disease who underwent hemodialysis …