Laura Maria Andrianopoli

On the Super Higgs Effect in Extended Supergravity

We consider the reduction of supersymmetry in N-extended four dimensional supergravity via the super Higgs mechanism in theories without cosmological constant. We provide an analysis largely based on the properties of long and short multiplets of Poincare' supersymmetry. Examples of the super Higgs phenomenon are realized in spontaneously broken N=8 supergravity through the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism and in superstring compactification in presence of brane fluxes. In many models the massive vectors count the difference in number of the translation isometries of the scalar sigma-model geometries in the broken and unbroken phase.

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Gauged extended supergravity without cosmological constant: No-scale structure and supersymmetry breaking

We consider the interplay of duality symmetries and gauged isometries of supergravity models giving N-extended, spontaneously broken supergravity with a no-scale structure. Some examples, motivated by superstring and M-theory compactifications are described.

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No-scale D=5 supergravity from Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=6 theories

We perform a generalized dimensional reduction of six dimensional supergravity theories to five dimensions. We consider the minimal $(2,0)$ and the maximal $(4,4)$ theories. In each case the reduction allows us to obtain gauged supergravities of no-scale type in dimension five with gauge groups that escape previous classifications. In the minimal case, the geometric data of the reduced theory correspond to particular cases of the D=5 real special geometry. In the maximal case we find a four parameter solution which allows partial breaking of supersymmetry.

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Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=5 special and quaternionic geometry

We give the N=2 gauged supergravity interpretation of a generic D=4, N=2 theory as it comes from generalized Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D=5, N=2 (ungauged) supergravity. We focus on the geometric aspects of the D=4 data such as the general form of the scalar potential and masses in terms of the gauging of a ``flat group''. Higgs and super-Higgs mechanism are discussed in some detail.

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Gauging of flat groups in four dimensional supergravity

We show that N=8 spontaneously broken supergravity in four dimensions obtained by Scherk-Schwarz generalized dimensional reduction can be obtained from a pure four dimensional perspective by gauging a suitable electric subgroup of E_{7,7}. Owing to the fact that there are non isomorphic choices of maximal electric subgroups of the U-duality group their gaugings give rise to inequivalent theories. This in particular shows that the Scherk-Schwarz gaugings do not fall in previous classifications of possible gauged N=8 supergravities. Gauging of flat groups appear in many examples of string compactifications in presence of brane fluxes.

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N=2 Super-Higgs, N=1 Poincare' Vacua and Quaternionic Geometry

In the context of N=2 supergravity we explain the occurrence of partial super-Higgs with vanishing vacuum energy and moduli stabilization in a model suggested by superstring compactifications on type IIB orientifolds with 3-form fluxes. The gauging of axion symmetries of the quaternionic manifold, together with the use of degenerate symplectic sections for special geometry, are the essential ingredients of the construction.

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The Scherk-Schwarz mechanism as a flux compactification with internal torsion

The aim of this paper is to make progress in the understanding of the Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction in terms of a compactification in the presence of background fluxes and torsion. From the eleven dimensional supergravity point of view, we find that a general E6(6) S-S phase may be obtained by turning on an appropriate background torsion, together with suitable fluxes, some of which can be directly identified with certain components of the four-form field-strength. Furthermore, we introduce a novel (four dimensional) approach to the study of dualities between flux/torsion compactifications of Type II/M-theory. This approach defines the action that duality should have on the backgroun…

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Duality and Spontaneously Broken Supergravity in Flat Backgrounds

It is shown that the super Higgs mechanism that occurs in a wide class of models with vanishing cosmological constant (at the classical level) is obtained by the gauging of a flat group which must be an electric subgroup of the duality group. If the residual massive gravitinos which occur in the partial supersymmetry breaking are BPS saturated, then the flat group is non abelian. This is so for all the models obtained by a Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking mechanism. If gravitinos occur in long multiplets, then the flat groups may be abelian. This is the case of supersymmetry breaking by string compactifications on an orientifold T^6/Z_2 with non trivial brane fluxes.

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Horizon geometry, duality and fixed scalars in six dimensions

We consider the problem of extremizing the tension for BPS strings in D=6 supergravities with different number of supersymmetries. General formulae for fixed scalars and a discussion of degenerate directions is given. Quantized moduli, according to recent analysis, are supposed to be related to conformal field theories which are the boundary of three dimensional anti-de Sitter space time.

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Axion gauge symmetries and generalized Chern-Simons terms inN=1 supersymmetric theories

We compute the form of the Lagrangian of N=1 supersymmetric theories with gauged axion symmetries. It turns out that there appear generalized Chern-Simons terms that were not considered in previous superspace formulations of general N=1 theories. Such gaugings appear in supergravities arising from flux compactifications of superstrings, as well as from Scherk-Schwarz generalized dimensional reduction in M-theory. We also present the dual superspace formulation where axion chiral multiplets are dualized into linear multiplets.

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Integration of massive states as contractions of non linear sigma-models

We consider the contraction of some non linear sigma models which appear in effective supergravity theories. In particular we consider the contractions of maximally symmetric spaces corresponding to N=1 and N=2 theories, as they appear in certain low energy effective supergravity actions with mass deformations. The contraction procedure is shown to describe the integrating out of massive modes in the presence of interactions, as it happens in many supergravity models after spontaneous supersymmetry breaking.

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