Amalia Rodrigo-gonzález
Active Learning on Trust and Reciprocity for Undergraduates
We propose a teaching activity aimed at promoting social values, such as trust and reciprocity, among undergraduate students in economics and related degrees. We present our pilot experience of what we call RED&ndash
Reaching professional skills with the Final Master Thesis: Collaboration towards actual solutions
[EN] In order to motivate the student through a professional experience, and to improve the teaching-learning process by letting the student gain experience, we implement a collaborative learning-through-service methodology. This method increases the student involvement level and the deep understanding of the tools. As a matter of example, we present the implementation of this method in the Final Master Thesis (FMTh) of the Master on Corporate Finance at the University of Valencia (UV). In these FMTh, students have to valuate an actual innovation developed by UV researchers (on chemistry, in this case) with the goal of helping them to transfer (sell) this innovation to the industry. This co…
Effects of Inequality on Trust and Reciprocity: An Experiment With Real Effort
The purpose of this paper is analyzing whether trust and reciprocity are affected by how rich the partner is or how well the partner performed several tasks with real effort. A trust game (TG) experiment is designed with three treatments. First, a baseline Treatment B in which subjects play a finitely repeated TG. Second, in a Treatment H with history, subjects know the partner’s wealth level reached in the past. Third, in a Treatment E with effort the individual endowment with which the TG is played is endogenous and results from the subject’s performance in three different real effort tasks (maths, cognitive and general knowledge related). The data analysis highlights the importance of pa…
Testing the Trust Game with undergraduates: An experiment with wealth heterogeneity
Ponència presentada a 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’17, Universitat Politècnica de València, València, 2017 Trust, reciprocity and a fair distribution of resources are cruzial in the sustainability of any economic system. As a matter of fact, those are values that should be promoted among the new generations, especially among university students enrolled in degrees that are related to economics. Under this context, we are interested in enhancing criticism and active reflection among undergraduates with respect to social values. With such a goal in mind, we designed a two step classroom task that includes playing the Trust Game (TG) in the first place and, s…
Circular Economy and Value Creation: Sustainable Finance with a Real Options Approach
This paper presents a methodological proposal that integrates the circular economy concept and financial valuation through real options analysis. The Value Hill model of a circular economy provides a representation of the course followed by the value of an asset. Specifically, after the primary use, the life of an asset may be extended by going through four phases: the 4R phases (Reuse, Refurbish, Remanufacture and Recycle). Financial valuation allows us to quantify value creation from firms’ asset circularity under uncertainty, modelled by binomial trees. Furthermore, the 4R phases are valued as real options by applying no-arbitrage opportunity arguments. The major contribution of this pap…