S. Schneider

The effect of human proinsulin C-peptide on erythrocyte deformability in patients with Type I diabetes mellitus.

Aims/hypothesis. In recent years, evidence has arisen that proinsulin C-peptide exerts biological effects especially on microcirculation, e. g. C-peptide has been shown to increase skin microcirculation in patients with Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus and to activate endothelial nitric oxide synthase. This study aimed to investigate the influence of proinsulin C-peptide on erythrocyte deformability which was assessed by means of laser diffractoscopy. Methods. Blood samples from healthy control subjects (n = 10) and Type I diabetic patients (n = 15) completely deficient of C-peptide were analysed at shear stresses ranging from 0.3 to 30 Pa. Results. Erythrocyte deformability was…

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Binding of monocytes from normolipidemic hyperglycemic patients with type 1 diabetes to endothelial cells is increased in vitro.

Increased endothelial binding and emigration of monocytes play a dominant role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus. Previous studies revealed that hyperlipidemia correlates with monocyte binding in vitro. The aim of this study was to characterize the monocyte-endothelial interaction of leucocytes of hyperglycemic patients with type 1 diabetes but lacking hyperlipidemia. We isolated monocytes from healthy controls and normolipidemic type 1 diabetes patients with elevated levels of HbA1c and quantified monocyte binding by an immunoilluminometric cell adhesion assay. Purity of isolated monocytes was at least 98%. Endothelial binding of monocytes from patients with type …

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Serum levels of substance P are decreased in patients with type 1 diabetes.

Morphological and immunohistochemical studies in diabetic subjects have shown a depletion of the neuropeptide substance P (SP) in the central and peripheral nervous system. This is the first study investigating serum levels of substance P in type 1 diabetes patients (n=50) and controls (n=75) by means of an enzyme immunoassay. The serum level of SP was significantly decreased in the diabetic group compared to the control group (10.12+/-0.29 vs. 12.25+/-0.38 pg/ml; p<0.0001). In diabetic patients, there was no correlation of substance P levels with age, serum creatinine, albuminuria, total cholesterol, HDL- or LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, HbA1c, type or duration of diabetes and gender. Fu…

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HLA-Antigenfrequenzen bei Patienten mit progressiver Sklerodermie und Morphaea

Bei 43 Patienten mit progressiver Sklerodermie und 24 Patienten mit Morphaea wurden 30 HLA-Antigene der A- und B-Serie bestimmt. Bei Patienten mit progressiver Sklerodermie fand sich mit 37% gegenuber 20% bei Kontrollen eine Vermehrung von HLA-B8 (P<0.001, P corr.=n.s). Am ausgepragtesten scheint die Frequenzvermehrung von HLA-B8 bei Patienten mit diffuser Form der progressiven Sklerodermie zu sein. 4 von 5 Patienten waren HLA-B8 positiv (P=0,00672). Bei der Akrosklerose fand sich eine frequenzvermehrung von HLA-B8 bei Mannern (44%) und Patienten mit ciner fruhen Krankheitsmanifestation (36%). Auser HLA-A1 zeigten andere Antigene, insbesondere HLA-Aw24, keine von der Norm abweichende Freque…

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Effects of a Brief Web-Based "Social Norms"-Intervention on Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis Use Among German University Students: Results of a Cluster-Controlled Trial Conducted at Eight Universities.

Background and Aim: “Social norms” (SN)-interventions are aimed at changing existing misperceptions regarding peer substance use by providing feedback on actual norms, thereby affecting personal substance use. It is unknown whether SN-intervention effects previously demonstrated in US students can be replicated in German students. The aim of the INSIST-study was to examine the effects of a web-based SN-intervention on substance use.Design: Cluster-controlled trial.Setting: Eight Universities in Germany.Participants and Measurements: Students were recruited at four intervention vs. four delayed intervention control Universities. 4,463 students completed baseline, 1,255 students (59% female) …

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Effects of proinsulin C-peptide on nitric oxide, microvascular blood flow and erythrocyte Na+,K+-ATPase activity in diabetes mellitus type I

This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of proinsulin C-peptide on erythrocyte Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and endothelial nitric oxide synthase activities in patients with type I diabetes. In a randomized double-blind study design, ten patients with type I diabetes received intravenous infusions of either human C-peptide or physiological saline on two different occasions. C-peptide was infused at a rate of 3 pmol.min(-1).kg(-1) for 60 min, and thereafter at 10 pmol.min(-1).kg(-1) for 60 min. At baseline and after 60 and 120 min, laser Doppler flow (LDF) was measured following acetylcholine iontophoresis or mild thermal stimulation (44 degrees C), and venous blood samples were collected to…

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