Asbjørn Følstad

Help! Is my Chatbot Falling into the Uncanny Valley? : An Empirical Study of User Experience in Human-Chatbot Interaction

Original article available at http://dx.doi.org/10.17011/ht/urn.201902201607 Advances in artificial intelligence strengthen chatbots’ ability to resemble human conversational agents. For some application areas, it may be tempting not to be transparent regarding a conversational agent’s nature as chatbot or human. However, the uncanny valley theory suggests that such lack in transparency may cause uneasy feelings in the user. In this study, we combined quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate this issue. First, we used a 2 x 2 experimental research design (n = 28) to investigate effects of lack in transparency on the perceived pleasantness of the conversation in addition to percei…

research product

Hi, Can I Help? Exploring How to Design a Mental Health Chatbot for Youths

Chatbots represent new opportunities for low-threshold preventive mental health support to youths. To provide needed knowledge regarding how to design chatbots for this purpose, we present an exploratory design study where we designed and evaluated a prototype chatbot to complement the work of school nurses in the school health service. The prototype was designed with particular regard for preventive mental health support. The design process involved school nurses, digital health workers, and youths. Through user insight activities, we identified four types of support to be provided through the chatbot: informational, relational, processual, and referral. We explored these four types of sup…

research product

Engasjement på Mitt Arbeiderparti

- Denne rapporten presenterer funn fra en undersøkelse av hvordan Arbeiderpartiet best mulig kan engasjere medlemmer og andre interesserte gjennom lokallagssonerlagsoner på Mitt Arbeiderparti. Det primære datagrunnlaget er intervjuer med 11 lokallagsbrukere av Mitt Arbeiderparti. I tillegg har vi gjennomført intervjuer med intervjuet soneansvarlige i tre soner, samt gjennomført nettverksanalyser og sjangeranalyser basert på innholdet i tre soner. Resultatene viser at den viktigste rollen for Mitt Arbeiderparti spiller en pr. i dag er sentral og viktig rolle som informasjonskanal. Deltagerne Brukerne forventer å finne relevant og oppdatert informasjon om Arbeiderpartiets politikk på nettside…

research product