Tommi K��rkk��inen
Software Framework for Tribotronic Systems
Increasing the capabilities of sensors and computer algorithms produces a need for structural support that would solve recurring problems. Autonomous tribotronic systems self-regulate based on feedback acquired from interacting surfaces in relative motion. This paper describes a software framework for tribotronic systems. An example of such an application is a rolling element bearing (REB) installation with a vibration sensor. The presented plug-in framework offers functionalities for vibration data management, feature extraction, fault detection, and remaining useful life (RUL) estimation. The framework was tested using bearing vibration data acquired from NASA's prognostics data repositor…
Scalable Initialization Methods for Large-Scale Clustering
In this work, two new initialization methods for K-means clustering are proposed. Both proposals are based on applying a divide-and-conquer approach for the K-means|| type of an initialization strategy. The second proposal also utilizes multiple lower-dimensional subspaces produced by the random projection method for the initialization. The proposed methods are scalable and can be run in parallel, which make them suitable for initializing large-scale problems. In the experiments, comparison of the proposed methods to the K-means++ and K-means|| methods is conducted using an extensive set of reference and synthetic large-scale datasets. Concerning the latter, a novel high-dimensional cluster…