N. Montinaro

On the Use of Two Emerging Laser-Based Flaw-Detection Techniques – Considerations and Practicalities

The pursuit of non-contact techniques for detecting ultrasonic waves propagating on the surface of solids is stimulated by the possibility of gaining some advantages over conventional contact methods. Non-contact methods are becoming a milestone in performing non-destructive evaluation in several industrial fields, where hazardous environments, narrow spaces, high temperatures, and complex geometries are encountered. Such methods exploit photo-acoustic interactions between light and sound waves. This work compares two non-contact laser-based methods for detecting artificial flaws of different sizes in metallic specimens. It uses multi-signal homodyne interferometry and single beam deflectom…

research product

Characterization of the dispersion of carbon nanotubes in nanocomposites by means of a non-destructive evaluation technique

An extensive use of CNTs enhanced polymer composites can be boosted by novel NDE techniques able to check the quality of the products made of these nanocomposites in order to guarantee that their specifications are met. It is well known in literature that the parameter that much more than others can affect the enhancing capabilities of the added nanoparticles is their dispersion. All the resulting physical properties of the CNTs based polymer composites depend strongly on level of dispersion of the CNTs throughout the matrix. Here we presented a novel NDE technique based on infrared thermography able to test the dispersion of the added nanoparticles in nanocomposites. Two different procedur…

research product

Mechanical Performance of CNT Fibres

The initial strength hype over carbon nanotubes arose from predictions of the strength of individual graphene layers, encouraged by measurements of individual MWCNTs and SWCNT bundles in AFM. The challenge for fibres composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is to translate the impressive properties of the individual carbon nanotubes into the fibres. Yarn-like fibres composed of carbon nanotubes made by the direct spinning process have been used as the subject of this study. There have been occasional observations of strengths greater than 5 N/tex, which have served to maintain the enthusiasm for on-going developments. Here, we will re-examine those reports in the context of the response of nanot…

research product

Tecnica non distruttiva per la valutazione dei livelli di dispersione dei nanotubi di carbonio nei compositi a matrice polimerica

È noto in letteratura che il parametro che molto più di altri può influenzare il potenziale incremento delle proprietà dei compositi a matrice polimerica dovuto alla presenza dei CNTs è la dispersione. Tutte le proprietà fisiche dei compositi polimerici a base di CNTs dipendono fortemente dal loro livello di dispersione nella matrice: una distribuzione omogenea ottimizza le prestazioni, mentre la formazione di aggregati e una scarsa dispersione determinano miglioramenti limitati delle proprietà della matrice. In questo lavoro viene presentata una nuova tecnica di valutazione non distruttiva (NDE) basata sulla termografia a infrarossi in grado di valutare il livello di dispersione dei CNTs n…

research product

Tensile Strength of CNT Fibres: Characteristic Length, Stress Transfer and other Impact Factors

The initial strength hype over carbon nanotubes arose from predictions of the strength of individual graphene layers, encouraged by measurements of individual MWCNTs and SWCNT bundles in AFM [1, 2]. However, while the scientists were professionally explicit as to what they had measured, the publicity assumed that these figures could also be readily realized in materials made from these components. It’s against a background of this overselling that we examine the gradual improvement in strength of macroscopically useful materials. Yarn-like fibres composed of carbon nanotubes made by the direct spinning process [3] have been used as the subject of this study. There have been occasional obser…

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