The challenge of contemporary society on science education: The case of global warming.
The big problems that contemporary society needs to address (e.g. climate change) challenge our traditional idea of education and require to revise the goals of science education research. Such problems are indeed so complex as to require a wide range of competencies to be engaged in producing and implementing solution strategies. Science education is forced to take into account the many dimensions that characterize contemporary science and to face the task of bringing together the potential of all the different perspectives (Tasquier & Nonni, 2011). An example of this kind of research, concerning environmental problems, will be briefly described and its first encouraging results illustrate…
Climate Change: An Educational Proposal Integrating the Physical and Social Sciences
Abstract The scientific community has been debating climate change for at least twenty years. The EU has recommended a set of innovative reforms to science teaching, incorporating environmental issues in the scientific curriculum, answering the need for making school a place of civic education. This paper focuses on the presentation of materials designed to foster both deep understanding of the basic concepts involved in climate change as well as critical thinking for addressing some cognitive and emotional barriers that have been proved to hinder individual behavioural reactions.