Leandro Vella
Indagini su Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Sicilia: Andamento delle infestazioni, valutazione della presenza di nemici naturali ed effetti di oli essenziali per il controllo del fitofago
Tuta absoluta è stata segnalata per la prima volta in Italia nel 2008 e in Sicilia nel 2009. Le larve causano mine fogliari e gallerie nei frutti, con conseguenti ingenti danni alle coltivazioni di pomodoro. Il primo capitolo della presente tesi riguarda ricerche condotte per studiarne i livelli di infestazione, l’andamento dei voli dei maschi e rilevarne la presenza di nemici naturali viventi a carico del fitofago in condizioni naturali in un campo nel comprensorio di Naro (AG) C/da Diesi, nel 2013 e 2014. Le varietà di pomodoro utilizzate sono state “Pizzutello” e “Piccadilly”. Inoltre, durante i due anni è stato impiantato e mantenuto un allevamento di piante di pomodoro sane e infestate…
Oviposition deterrence and repellent activities of selected essential oils against Tuta absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae): laboratory and greenhouse investigations
AbstractTuta absoluta, an invasive pinworm characterized by high reproductive potential and adaptation to different agroecological conditions, cause serious damage to tomato crops. Chemical control with synthetic insecticides is widely used to control this pest, although pesticides exhibit side effects on non-target organisms and negatively impact the environment, with the occurrence of resistance to some active substances in the target pest. The use of essential oils (EOs) from aromatic or officinal plants could represent an environmentally safe control method, alternative to synthetic insecticide application. In this work we investigated the effect of EOs from Spanish oregano, laurel, bas…
Adulticidal activity of essential oils of Mentha piperita L., Cupressus sempervirens L., and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. against the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
The tomato miner Tuta absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is a Neotropical species, which cause serious damages to tomato both in open fields and under greenhouses. Chemical control using synthetic insecticides was the primary method of control of this pest, but it has showed negative implications due to high costs, and risks for human health and environment. Therefore safer alternatives are required to control of tomato leafminer as the use of natural insecticides. In this work we investigated the insecticidal activity of essential oils (EOs) of peppermint, Mentha piperita L., cypress, Cupressus sempervirens L., and eucalyptus, Eucalyptus globulus Labill., used for the first time a…
Investigations on Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae): larval infestation on the tomato cultivated in open field and evaluation of five essential oils against larvae in laboratory
Abstract The tomato miner Tuta absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is a Neotropical species, which cause serious damages to tomato in spread areas. It appeared in 2008 in Italy, where it seriously threatened tomato production both in greenhouse and open field cultivations. In this work a study on infestation by this leafminer on leaves was conducted in an organic cultivation of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) "Pizzutello" variety in Sicily (Italy), and the insecticidal activity of 5 essential oils (EOs) on T. absoluta was evaluated in laboratory. EOs of basil, cypress, laurel, peppermint and Spanish oregano were used against 3rd- and 4th-instar larvae to assess contact effect…