Charlotte Bråthen
Determinants of employee well-being in project work
Projects are supposed to foster innovation and flexibility and to create better conditions for learning. Accordingly, project work usually has a positive connotation for both, firms and the individ...
The “dark side” of projectification: The impact of project work on the employees’ well-being : A quantitative study of the impact of project work exposure on employees’ work-related well-being.
Master's thesis Business Administration BE501 - University of Agder 2018 Although project-based work is said to create dynamic environments for innovation and learning, it can also make the employees vulnerable, exhausted and reduce their personal worthiness. Some have even stated that it can be destructive to the employees’ well-being. Employees’ well-being impacts not only the individual itself, but also the organizations they work in and the society as a whole. Existing studies have explored how work in general impact employees’ well-being, but few have assessed the impact of project-based work on employees’ well-being. As the use of project-based work is constantly increasing it is high…