Natale Surano
Analisi geostatistiche per la determinazione degli aspetti climatici del territorio del Parco dei Nebrodi
BiodiverCity: a first investigation on bird communities in two urban green areas of Palermo, Sicily
Since the 1980s, there has been a growing worldwide interest on urban bird diversity. The avifauna of Mediterranean cities has been however poorly investigated with standardized methods. Accordingly, our investigation aimed to record breeding and migrating species in two XVIII-century green areas of Palermo town: Villa Trabia (8 ha) and the Botanical Garden (10 ha). Starting from spring 2019, we carried 15 census sessions by point-counts, during the morning hours (10 points at Villa Trabia and 11 at the Botanical Garden, set with a minimum distance of 50 m) by recording, in each point, all the birds seen or heard within 10 min. Our preliminary results show that the study sites are mainly vi…
Studi sulla dinamica della vegetazione in relazione alla struttura geomorfologica del territorio basati sull’analisi spaziale
Valutazione di fattori caratterizzanti il paesaggio e la biodiversità vegetale di un territorio attraverso metodologie GIS 3D
Evoluzione dell’impianto del Giardino linneano dell’Orto botanico di Palermo
Sistemi integrati di tecnologie GIS e GPS per la gestione delle collezioni vive di orti botanici e arboreti: l’esperienza dell’Orto botanico di Palermo
The recreational value of botanic garden events: A case study of the Zagara plant fair in Palermo, Italy
Botanic gardens are defined by their mission to maintain living plant collections for scientific research, conservation, display and education. This mission represents the potential ecosystem services that botanic gardens aim to produce, with display and education specifically regarding recreational ecosystem services (RES). Visitors must directly experience botanic gardens to transform these potential RES into real benefits, yet the public may not be interested in studying plants during their leisure time. Thus, botanic gardens turn to events to attract visitors. The objective of this study is to estimate the RES benefits created by a botanic garden event and profile the visitors that it b…