Scaturro Dalila
The Role of Acetyl-Carnitine and Rehabilitation in the Management of Patients with Post-COVID Syndrome: Case-Control Study
Post-COVID syndrome is characterized by the persistence of nonspecific disabling symptoms, even several months after the resolution of the infection, with clinical characteristics similar to fibromyalgia (FM) and a prevalence of 31%. We evaluated the effectiveness of physical exercise, in association with L-acetyl-carnitine (ALC) therapy, in patients with Post-COVID syndrome, on musculoskeletal pain, dyspnea, functional capacity, quality of life, and depression. We conducted an observational case-control study on patients with Post-COVID syndrome. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: a treatment group that received rehabilitation treatment in combination with ALC 500 mg thera…
Vertebral fragility fractures and balance disorders: postural evaluation
Disabilità traumatiche e post chirurgiche degli arti inferiori
I traumi più frequenti che coinvolgono l'arto inferiore sono rappresentati dalla frattura della porzione prossimale del femore, dalla frattura della rotula, dalle lesioni meniscali, dal legamento crociato posteriore anteriore, dalla distorsione di caviglia. Il trattamento riabilitativo assume un ruolo fondamentale in queste patologie, tipiche dei giovani a eccezione del femore per un totale recupero funzionale in modo da consentire un ritorno all'attività lavorativa e sportiva. Il primum movens sarà da considerare l'arto inferiore nella sua globalità con particolare attenzione al ripristino della funzione propriocettiva essenziale sia in statica che in dinamica
Denosumab: molecola contro il dolore in corso di blocco ormonale nel carcinoma mammario
Neck Pain Rehabilitation
According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), Neck pain is defned as a pain that comes from an area between the nuchal line and another imaginary line passing through the lower end of the spinous process of frst thoracic vertebra and sagittal plans tangent to the side edges of the neck. Indeed, Neck pain is the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system, second only to low back pain. It constitutes 40% of all backache and is the fourth cause of disability, with an annual incidence of 83 per 100,000 individuals, aged between 13 and 91 years, in the US [1]. This pain may also radiate to the upper limbs if there is a nerve root compression, the distribution …
Neck Pain and Rehabilitation
Neck pain is par excellence one of the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system, second only to low back pain. It constitutes 40 % of all backache. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain of cervical origin coming from an area between the nuchal line and another imagi-nary line that passes through the lower end of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra and the sagittal plans tangent to the side edges of the neck. This definition considers therefore posterior pain which in turn can be divided into high pain, up to C3, and lower pain, down from C4. Also, as all diseases, it can be divided into acute and chronic neck pain, merely according…
Scoliosi idiopatica giovanile: indagine conoscitiva della prevalenza della patologia in Sicilia occidentale
Management riabilitativo del paziente con spondilite anchilosante
Is there a relationship between idiopathic scoliosis and body 2 mass? A scoping review
The etiopathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis remains unknown, although genetic or hered- 12 itary factors, neurological disorders, hormonal and metabolic dysfunctions, biomechanical factors, 13 and environmental factors seem to be involved. Several studies have found that patients with scoli- 14 osis have common characteristics of taller stature, lower body mass index (BMI), and low systemic 15 bone mass. We conducted a scoping review to analyze the association between idiopathic scoliosis 16 and BMI. The search for articles was performed on PubMed and Cochrane, including the English 17 language, full-text and free-full-text articles published from December 31st, 2011 to December 31st, 18 2…
Linfomi e salute dell'osso : è possibile migliorare la qualità di vita?
Il Trasferimento Energetico Capacitivo Resistivo (TECAR) nella terapia dell’Induratio Penis Plastica: studio pilota di fase uno sulla tollerabilità, sulla sicurezza e sull’applicabilità della tecnica. Quali altri risvolti sorprendenti?
Our phase-one prospective study wants to evaluate the safety and tolerability of TECAR therapy in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease. From June 2011 to September 2012 we enrolled 70 patients. Each patient had been previously subjected to andrological examination, to a questionnaire for the evaluation of IPP and ED, and the SF-36 (V1) for the evaluation of the general state of health. The evaluation of pain was made using the VAS scale of pain. Every patient was subjected to TECAR treatment of the fibrotic plaque (both in resistive mode and in capacitive mode) for a total of three sessions carried out on consecutive days. We recorded a good compliance by patients; none of them reported side…