Fm Raimondo
Stazioni nuove di Euphorbia hypericifolia (Euphorbiaceae) e di Phyllanthus tenellus (Phyllanthaceae) in Sicilia
New localities for Euphorbia hypericifolia (Euphorbiaceae) and Phyllanthus tenellus (Phyllanthaceae) in Sicily – Two new adventive plants, Euphorbia hypericifolia (Euphorbiaceae) and Phyllanthus tenellus (Phyllanthaceae), are reported in the Palermo’s urban area. These two taxa belonging to closely related families were both already known from the province of Messina (E. Sicily), the first one near the Messina town, the second near Taormina. The new localities expand toward west the Sicilian distribution of the two taxa, so that these appear to likely occur in other urban contexts of the island. Finally, as far as the accession road to the island is concerned, the- se two aliens – that have…
Plant Extracts as Antimicrobial Agents in Sustainable Conservation of Erythrina caffra (Fabaceae) Historical Trees
Microbial colonization plays a relevant role in the biodegradation and biodeterioration of cultural and natural heritage, representing a revealing problem in conservation strategy. In this study, the essential oil (EO) and hydro-alcoholic extract (HAE) of Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae), an aromatic perennial plant, representative of the Mediterranean basin, growing spontaneously and cultivated all over the world, were analysed. Natural products, such as essential oil and hydroalcoholic extract, have strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and are ad hoc applied for the sustainable conservation of Erithryna caffra (Fabaceae). The main taxa revealed in the damaging of these arboreal h…
The Sicilian wild cabbages as biological resources: taxonomic update and a review on chemical constituents and biological activities
Considering the growing interest that wild brassicas have as sources of bioactive molecules as well as a genetic resource, the authors review and update the taxonomy of Brassica sect. Brassica, limited to the native flora of Sicily, an island considered to be an active diversification center for the group of species of the aforementioned section. Regarding the taxonomic aspects, Brassica tardarae is here considered a subspecies of B. rupestris; the distinction at the subspe- cific level of B. raimondoi, a critical taxon included in B. incana, is also confirmed. In addition, two new subspecies are proposed, respectively in B. incana and B. rupestris. The taxonomic information relating to the…
A critical form of Celtis tree (Ulmaceae) occurring in Sicily
The morphological variability of the Sicilian population of Celtis australis is examined. On the basis of leaf and branching characters, recurrent in various trees growing both in natural and urban environment, a new variety is recognized and described, indicated as Celtis australis var. panormitana. The most significant differential characters and the ecology of the new taxon are reported. Finally, the taxonomic affinities with the two other conspecific taxa are recalled. At the current state of knowledge the new variety is endemic to Sicily.
Una storia che viene da lontano
La fitoterapia, cioè la cura delle malattie per mezzo dei vegetali, ha rappresentato il metodo utilizzato fin dall'antichità per alleviare le sofferenze e a volte curare o risolvere reali patologie mediante l’impiego di parti di piante fresche o essiccate o dei loro estratti naturali. Come si evince da questo breve excursus storico, in tutti i continenti, tutte le civiltà si sono dedicate, oltre che alla coltura di piante a scopo alimentare, alla ricerca di piante con proprietà terapeutiche. E’ straordinariamente interessante come, attraverso i millenni, l’insieme di queste nozioni si sia arricchito, e anche diversificato, senza essere mai interamente dimenticato.
New data on diversity of Pyrus (Rosaceae) in Sicily
Pyrus pedrottiana (Rosaceae), a new species from the Nebrodi Mountains (N-E Sicily)
A new species of Pyrus for the dendroflora of Sicily is here described. It is Pyrus pedrottiana, actually considered endemic to the Nebrodi Mountains, a territory which includes the largest wooded area of the island with a high forest biodiversity.In the same area, P. vallis-demonis and P. ciancioi have also been described in recent times. The authors report diagnostic characters to distinguish the new taxon from the other two sympatric species.
Atti del Convegno internazionale "La Calendula di Trapani, espressione emblematica dell'endemismo mediterraneo minacciato" / Proceedings of the International Meeting "The Calendula of Trapani, an emblematic threatened Mediterranean endemic", Trapani, 20 febbraio 2010
Bocconea 24, Proceedings of the XIII Optima Meeting Antalya, 22-26 March 2010
Proceedings of the XIII Optima Meeting Antalya, 22-26 March 2010
Bocconea N. 21 Proceedings of the XI OPTIMA Meeting Beograd, 5-11 September 2004
Flora Mediterranea n.19
Bocconea N.22 Checklist of the Hornworts, Liverworts and Mosses of Italy
Iconografia della storia naturale delle Madonie
Con lo spirito di divulgare l'opera di Francesco Minà Palumbo, alcuni fra coloro che negli ultimi decenni hanno contribuito allo studio del patrimonio naturale e naturale delle Madonie hanno aderito all'iniziativa promossa dal museo Naturalistico di Castelbuono dedicato allo scienziato e dal Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche di Palermo per sostenere l'onere della pubblicazione concessa dagli eredi all'Editore Sellerio di Palermo.