A Ferrara
The integrated action framework of Rete Natura 2000 Basilicata
Basilicata Natura 2000 network consists of 50 Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and 17 Special Protection Zones (SPZs), covering alltogether more than 17% of the regional area. This network, partially overlapping other forms of land protection, represents a valuable environmental, agricultural and cultural heritage, in which the safeguard of natural resources and landscapes has to be coupled with the needs of the local population; especially in relation to development and social welfare. The Natura 2000 project involved a panel of experts belonging to 15 different institutions, to form a steering committee with the following professional and scientific skills: vegetation, landscape, fauna…
Riorganizzazione territoriale degli Uffici del Giudice di Pace
Lo studio si prefigge lo scopo di riorganizzare, con l’ausilio di applicativi GIS., la distribuzione degli uffici del Giudice di Pace (GdP) nel territorio siciliano, prendendo in analisi le sedi dei distretti di Corte di Appello di Palermo e Caltanissetta. L’articolazione dello studio avviene in due fasi : a) la ricerca di una metodologia oggettiva per l’individuazione delle sedi del Giudice di Pace più idonea, in termini di efficienza ed efficacia, per offrire il servizio di giustizia; b) l’individuazione del nuovo territorio di competenza per ogni sede del Giudice di Pace confermata, con un’attenta analisi spaziale. Per la ricerca di una metodologia oggettiva è stata realizzata una scheda…
Dizziness and vertigo in a department of emergency medicine.
Dizziness is a common and vexing diagnostic problem in emergency departments. The term is rather undefinite and often misused, but can in practice be classified into four categories: fainting, disequilibrium, vertigo and miscellaneous syndromes. Vertigo is the most common category of dizziness. Classification of vertigo can be based either on chronological criteria (acute, recurrent or chronic vertigo) or on topographical criteria (peripheral or central vertigo). Physicians working in emergency departments must be able to rapidly identify patients with potentially serious forms of vertigo, which could cause death or disability, and patients with mild conditions, that can be effectively trea…
OPEN GEONET: WebGIS Open Source of a GNSS Permanent Network
In Sicily, from 2005 to 2007, a research group at Dipartimento di Rappresentazione (DIRAP), University of Palermo, Italy, has realized a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Network Real Time Kinematic (NRTK), project inside the “National Interest Research Program” PRIN2005 entitled ”Reti di stazioni permanenti per impieghi di controllo ed emergenza” founded by Minister of Instruction, University and Scientific Research (MIUR). With the rapid development of Internet and Web, Web Geographical Information System became an important aspect of GIS study. WebGIS software allow the most efficient and low-cost way in dissemination and sharing of geographic information for public and specific …