Nikos Ntoumanis
A classification of motivation and behavior change techniques used in self-determination theory-based interventions in health contexts
While evidence suggests that interventions based on self-determination theory have efficacy in motivating adoption and maintenance of health-related behaviors, and in promoting adaptive psychological outcomes, the motivational techniques that comprise the content of these interventions have not been comprehensively identified or described. The aim of the present study was to develop a classification system of the techniques that comprise self-determination theory interventions, with satisfaction of psychological needs as an organizing principle. Candidate techniques were identified through a comprehensive review of self-determination theory interventions and nomination by experts. The study…
Intentions to drop-out of youth soccer: A test of the basic needs theory among European youth from five countries
Research arising from self-determination theory (SDT; Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227–268) indicates that the quality of the social interactions between athletes and coaches, and athletes' ensuing psychological responses, are critical determinants of intentions to drop out of youth sport. Little is known regarding whether these processes hold across countries. Grounded in SDT, this study tested the invariance of a model predicting youth sport dropout across five European countries. Seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine grassroots players (6641 males, 1020 fem…
Resumen tomado de la publicación Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Escala de Conductas Controladoras del Entrenador en el contexto deportivo. Antecedentes: el objetivo del trabajo consistió en traducir al castellano y examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Escala de Conductas Controladoras del Entrenador (CCBS) en futbolistas varones. La CCBS fue diseñada para medir la percepción que los deportistas tienen del estilo interpersonal controlador del entrenador, desde la Teoría de la Autodeterminación. Método: el Estudio 1 analizó la estructura factorial utilizando el Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) y ofreció evidencia de validez discrimi…
Motivational climate, goal orientation, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment within Finnish junior ice hockey players
The aim of this study was to investigate the relations among situational motivational climate, dispositional approach and avoidance achievement goals, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment in Finnish male junior ice hockey players. The sample comprised 265 junior B-level male players with a mean age of 17.03 years (SD = 0.63). Players filled questionnaires tapping their perceptions of coach motivational climate, achievement goals, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment. For the statistical analysis, players were divided into high and low perceived sport ability groups. Multigroup structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed an indirect path from task-involving motivational climate via task-…
Psychological and behavioural factors of unintentional doping: A preliminary systematic review
In some cases, doping in sport is an intentional goal-directed behaviour, but research suggests that it might also occur accidentally when athletes inadvertently or unintentionally consume banned performance-enhancing drugs via food, supplements, or medication. Because research into the psychological factors of unintentional doping is still emerging, this paper aims to conduct a preliminary systematic review of all the existing literature concerning the psychology of unintentional doping in sport. The systematic review was carried out via an extensive search of Medline, PsycINFO, PsycTESTS, PsycARTICLES, and Web of Science, and reports from World Anti-Doping Agency. Among the 2110 articles …
Measurement invariance of the Behavioural Regulation in Sport Questionnaire when completed by young athletes across five European countries
The purpose of this study was (1) to examine the factorial validity of the Behavioural Regulation Sport in Questionnaire (BRSQ) when completed by young soccer players in the Promoting Adolescent Physical Activity (PAPA) project (9-15 years old) in 5 European countries (France: n = 1248, Greece: n = 1507, Norway: n = 1397, Spain: n = 2245, and England: n = 1372) and (2) test the measurement invariance of its latent factors across these 5 countries.First, we tested the exploratory structural equation model (ESEM) factor analyses, allowing cross-loadings between factors, against the traditional independent clusters confirmatory factor analysis model (ICM-CFA), with all cross-loadings constrain…
Psychosocial Predictors of Drop-Out from Organised Sport: A Prospective Study in Adolescent Soccer.
In recent years an increased drop-out rate in adolescents’ soccer participation has been observed. Given the potentially adverse consequences of drop-out from soccer, more information about risk factors for drop-out is warranted. In the current study, Classification and Regression Tree (CRT) analysis was used to investigate demographic and motivational factors associated with an increased risk of drop-out from adolescent soccer. The results of this study indicate that older age, experiencing less autonomy support from the coach, less intrinsic motivation, being female, and lower socioeconomic status are factors associated with an increased risk of drop-out. An interpretation of the results …
Does self‐compassion help to deal with dietary lapses among overweight and obese adults who pursue weight‐loss goals?
Objectives Self-compassion can facilitate self-improvement motivation. We examined the effects of self-compassion in response to dietary lapses on outcomes relevant to weight-loss strivings using a longitudinal design. The indirect effects of self-compassion via guilt and shame were also explored. Design An Ecological Momentary Assessment methodology was employed with a sample of adults who were overweight or obese attempting to lose weight via dietary restriction (N = 56; Mage = 34.88; SD = 13.93; MBMI = 32.50; SD = 6.88) and who responded to brief surveys sent to their mobile phones twice daily for two weeks. Methods Dietary temptations and lapses were assessed at each diary entry, and se…
Preventing occupational injury among police officers: does motivation matter?
Background: Injury prevention is an important issue for police officers, but the effectiveness of prevention initiatives is dependent on officers’ motivation toward, and adherence to, recommended health and safety guidelines. Aims: To understand effects of police officers’ motivation to prevent occupational injury on beliefs about safety and adherence to injury prevention behaviours. Methods: Full-time police officers completed a survey comprising validated psychometric scales to assess autonomous, controlled and amotivated forms of motivation (Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire), behavioural adherence (Self-reported Treatment Adherence Scale) and beliefs (Safety Attitude Questionnaire…