Arnaud Foulquier

Influence of plant traits, soil microbial properties, and abiotic parameters on nitrogen turnover of grassland ecosystems

International audience; Although it is known that multiple interactions among plant functional traits, microbial properties , and abiotic soil parameters influence the nutrient turnover, the relative contribution of each of these groups of variables is poorly understood. We manipulated grassland plant functional composition and soil nitrogen (N) availability in a multisite mesocosm experiment to quantify their relative effects on soil N turnover. Overall, root traits, arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization, denitrification potential, as well as N availability and water availability, best explained the variation in measured ecosystem properties, especially the trade-off between nutrient sequest…

research product

Utilisation des mécanismes d'adaptation microbienne pour caractériser les conséquences écologiques de l'interdiction d'utilisation du diuron en zone viticole

National audience

research product

Freshwater sediment pesticide biodegradation potential as an ecological indicator of microbial recovery following a decrease in chronic pesticide exposure

International audience; Water resources and aquatic ecosystems are an essential concern of any policy for sustainable development. In the context of the European Water Framework Directive, which aims to achieve good chemical and ecological status of waters, the herbicide diuron was banned in France in December 2008. In lotic ecosystems, benthic microbial assemblages are considered as useful potential indicators of ecological status because they integrate the effects of multiple anthropogenic disturbances and have strong capacities to adapt to novel environmental conditions. Field studies have thus revealed that in situ diuron exposure can induce microbial adaptation leading to an increase i…

research product