V. Kolhinen

Total absorption γ -ray spectroscopy of niobium isomers

15 pags. 17 figs., 5 tabs.

research product

DGLAP analyses of nPDF: constraints from data

We explain how the constraints from present experimental data can be used to obtain the nPDF in the framework of LO DGLAP evolution. We will also compare the only two available sets of this type and comment on the important information that neutrino factories could provide.

research product

The scale dependent nuclear effects in parton distributions for practical applications

The scale dependence of the ratios of parton distributions in a proton of a nucleus $A$ and in the free proton, $R_i^A(x,Q^2)=f_{i/A}(x,Q^2)/f_i(x,Q^2)$, is studied within the framework of the lowest order leading-twist DGLAP evolution. By evolving the initial nuclear distributions obtained with the GRV-LO and CTEQ4L sets at a scale $Q_0^2$, we show that the ratios $R_i^A(x,Q^2)$ are only moderately sensitive to the choice of a specific modern set of free parton distributions. We propose that to a good first approximation, this parton distribution set-dependence of the nuclear ratios $R_i^A(x,Q^2)$ can be neglected in practical applications. With this result, we offer a numerical parametriz…

research product

Experimental study of $^{100}$Tc $\beta$ decay with total absorption $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy

International audience; The β decay of Tc100 has been studied by using the total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy technique at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility in Jyväskylä. In this work the new Decay Total Absorption γ-ray Spectrometer in coincidence with a cylindrical plastic β detector has been employed. The β intensity to the ground state obtained from the analysis is in good agreement with previous high-resolution measurements. However, differences in the feeding to the first-excited state as well as weak feeding to a new level at high excitation energy have been deduced from this experiment. Theoretical calculations performed in the quasiparticle random-phase approximatio…

research product

First mass measurement at JYFLTRAP

The first mass measurements at JYFLTRAP facility are reviewed. Those are also first ever direct mass measurements of the heaviest Zr-isotopes. Results are compared to atomic mass evaluation data and the recent calculations. The first TOF-resonances from high-precision trap and an implication to high-precision mass measurements are discussed.

research product

A new isomer in 125La

Levels in 125La have been studied via β+/EC decay of on-line mass-separated 125Ce using the HIGISOL technique. A new (390 ± 40) ms isomer is definitely attributed to 125La by conversion electron measurements of the 107 keV E3 isomeric transition.

research product

Total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy of the β decays of 96gs,mY

The β decays of the ground state (gs) and isomeric state (m) of 96Y have been studied with the total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy technique at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility. The separation of the 8+ isomeric state from the 0− ground state was achieved thanks to the purification capabilities of the JYFLTRAP double Penning trap system. The β-intensity distributions of both decays have been independently determined. In the analyses the deexcitation of the 1581.6 keV level in 96Zr, in which conversion electron emission competes with pair production, has been carefully considered and found to have significant impact on the β-detector efficiency, influencing the β-intensity di…

research product

Constraints for nuclear gluon shadowing from DIS data

The $Q^2$ dependence of the ratios of the cross sections of deep inelastic lepton--nucleus scattering is studied in the framework of leading twist, lowest order perturbative QCD. The $\log Q^2$ slope of the ratio $F_2^{\rm Sn}/F_2^{\rm C}$ is computed by using the DGLAP evolution equations, and shown to be sensitive to the nuclear gluon distribution functions. Four different parametrizations for the nuclear effects of parton distributions are studied. We show that the NMC data on the $Q^2$ dependence of $F_2^{\rm Sn}/F_2^{\rm C}$ rule out the case where nuclear shadowing (suppression) of gluons at $x\sim 0.01$ is much larger than the shadowing observed in the ratio $F_2^A/F_2^{\rm D}$. We a…

research product

Characterization of a neutron-beta counting system with beta-delayed neutron emitters

Abstract A new detection system for the measurement of beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities has been characterized using fission products with well known β-delayed neutron emission properties. The setup consists of BELEN-20, a 4π neutron counter with twenty 3He proportional tubes arranged inside a large polyethylene neutron moderator, a thin Si detector for β counting and a self-triggering digital data acquisition system. The use of delayed-neutron precursors with different neutron emission windows allowed the study of the effect of energy dependency on neutron, β and β–neutron rates. The observed effect is well reproduced by Monte Carlo simulations. The impact of this dependency on …

research product

Studying exotic nuclides close to the N = Z line at the HIGISOL facility

The ion guide [1, 2] for heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions (HIGISOL) which was developed by Beraud et al. [3] has been implemented at the IGISOL facility in Jyvaskyla [4]. This system was modified over the past 5 years. Figure 1 shows the present set-up. The HIGISOL takes advantage of the different angular distributions of primary beam and reaction products: the primary beam is stopped in front of the stopping chamber and the reaction products enter the stopping chamber through a thin foil passing the beam stop. This so called “shadow” method removes the plasma effect since the primary beam is not ionising the stopping gas. In order to improve ion optical properties, mainly to reduce t…

research product

Study of the $��$-decay of $^{100}$Tc with Total Absorption $��$-Ray Spectroscopy

The \b{eta}-decay of 100 Tc has been studied using the Total Absorption ��-Ray Spectroscopy technique at IGISOL. In this work the new DTAS spectrometer in coincidence with a cylindrical plastic \b{eta} detector has been employed. The \b{eta}-intensity to the ground state obtained from the analysis is in good agreement with previous high-resolution measurements. However, differences in the feeding to the first excited state as well as weak feeding to a new level at high excitation energy have been deduced from this experiment. Theoretical calculations performed in the quasiparticle random- phase approximation (QRPA) framework are also reported. Comparison of these calculations with our measu…

research product

Beta decay of neutron-rich 118Rh and the lowest excited states in 118Pd

Beta decay of a refractory isotope 118Rh produced in symmetric fission and mass separated by the ion guide technique has been applied for the study of low-lying excited states of 118Pd. The yrast band in 118Pd has been observed up to a 6+ state and the lowest states of the asymmetric γ-band have been identified. The measured half-life of 118Rh is (300±60)ms. The systematics of the excited states in neutron-rich Pd-isotopes implies the saturation towards an O(6) symmetry at N = 70.

research product

Results of DTAS Campaign at IGISOL : Overview

The β decays of more than twenty fission fragments were measured in the first experiments with radioactive-ion beams employing the Decay Total Absorption γ-ray Spectrometer. In this work, we summarize the main results obtained so far from this experimental campaign carried out at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility. The advances introduced for these studies represent the state-of-the-art of our analysis methodology for segmented spectrometers. peerReviewed

research product

A global reanalysis of nuclear parton distribution functions

We determine the nuclear modifications of parton distribution functions of bound protons at scales $Q^2\ge 1.69$ GeV$^2$ and momentum fractions $10^{-5}\le x\le 1$ in a global analysis which utilizes nuclear hard process data, sum rules and leading-order DGLAP scale evolution. The main improvements over our earlier work {\em EKS98} are the automated $\chi^2$ minimization, simplified and better controllable fit functions, and most importantly, the possibility for error estimates. The resulting 16-parameter fit to the N=514 datapoints is good, $\chi^2/{\rm d.o.f}=0.82$. Within the error estimates obtained, the old {\em EKS98} parametrization is found to be fully consistent with the present an…

research product

Study of the $\beta$-decay of $^{100}$Tc with Total Absorption $\gamma$-Ray Spectroscopy

The \b{eta}-decay of 100 Tc has been studied using the Total Absorption {\gamma}-Ray Spectroscopy technique at IGISOL. In this work the new DTAS spectrometer in coincidence with a cylindrical plastic \b{eta} detector has been employed. The \b{eta}-intensity to the ground state obtained from the analysis is in good agreement with previous high-resolution measurements. However, differences in the feeding to the first excited state as well as weak feeding to a new level at high excitation energy have been deduced from this experiment. Theoretical calculations performed in the quasiparticle random- phase approximation (QRPA) framework are also reported. Comparison of these calculations with our…

research product

Nuclear parton distributions in the DGLAP approach

Determination of the nuclear parton distributions within the framework of perturbative QCD, the DGLAP equations in particular, is discussed. Scale and flavour dependent nuclear effects in the parton distributions are compared with the scale and flavour independent parametrizations of HIJING and of the Hard Probe Collaboration. A comparison with the data from deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering and the Drell-Yan process in proton-nucleus collisions is shown.

research product

βdecay of neutron-rich118Agand120Agisotopes

$\ensuremath{\beta}$ decays of on-line mass-separated neutron-rich ${}^{118}\mathrm{Ag}$ and ${}^{120}\mathrm{Ag}$ isotopes have been studied by using $\ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ and $\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ coincidence spectroscopy. Extended decay schemes to the ${}^{118,120}\mathrm{Cd}$ daughter nuclei have been constructed. The three-phonon quintuplet in ${}^{118}\mathrm{Cd}$ is completed by including a new level at 2023.0 keV, which is tentatively assigned the spin and parity of ${2}_{4}^{+}.$ The intruder band in ${}^{118}\mathrm{Cd}$ is proposed up to the ${4}^{+}$ level at 2322.4 keV. The measured $\ensuremath{\beta}$-decay half…

research product

Enhancement of charm quark production due to nonlinear corrections to the DGLAP equations

We have studied how parton distributions based on the inclusion of nonlinear scale evolution and constraints from HERA data affect charm production in $pp$ collisions at center-of-mass energies of 5.5, 8.8 and 14 TeV. We find that, while the resulting enhancement can be substantial, it is very sensitive to the charm quark mass and the scale entering the parton densities and the strong coupling constant.

research product

Towards high-precision mass measurements on 74Rb for a test of the CVC hypothesis and the unitarity of the CKM matrix

At the highest possible precisions, atomic-mass measurements can be used to perform fundamental studies. Examples for such studies are a check of the conserved-vector-current (CVC) hypothesis and the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix, both postulates of the Standard Model. The comparative half-lives Ft of superallowed β decays constitute the nuclear-physics access to these tests. The Q value of the β decay of 74 Rb, one of the three experimentally accessible parameters that enter into the Ft values, has been measured with the ISOLTRAP experiment at ISOLDE/CERN. The ultimate mass precision requirement and the way to achieve it are outlined.

research product

Nuclear Parton Distributions - a DGLAP Analysis

Nuclear parton distributions $f_A(x,Q^2)$ are studied within a framework of the DGLAP evolution. Measurements of $F_2^A/F_2^D$ in deep inelastic $lA$ collisions, and Drell--Yan dilepton cross sections measured in $pA$ collisions are used as constraints. Also conservation of momentum and baryon number is required. It is shown that the calculated $Q^2$ evolution of $F_2^{\rm Sn}/F_2^{\rm C}$ agrees very well with the recent NMC data, and that the ratios $R_f^A=f_A/f$ are only moderately sensitive to the choice of a specific modern set of free parton distributions. For general use, we offer a numerical parametrization of $R_f^A(x,Q^2)$ for all parton flavours $f$ in $A>2$, and at $10^{-6}\l…

research product

Effects of shadowing on Drell-Yan dilepton production in high energy nuclear collisions

We compute cross sections for the Drell-Yan process in nuclear collisions at next-to-leading order (NLO) in ��_s. The effects of shadowing on the normalization and on the mass and rapidity dependence of these cross sections are presented. An estimate of higher order corrections is obtained from next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculation of the rapidity-integrated mass distribution. Variations in these predictions resulting from choices of parton distribution sets are discussed. Numerical results for mass distributions at NLO are presented for RHIC and LHC energies, using appropriate rapidity intervals. The shadowing factors in the dilepton mass range 2 < M < 10 GeV are predicted…

research product

Isomeric state of 80Y and its role in the rp-process

The HIGISOL facility has been used to investigate carefully the isomeric transition 228.5 keV in 80Y. We have measured the electron internal conversion coefficient for this transition αK = 0.50 ± 0.07 which gives the value for half-life of “bare” isomeric state T 1/2 = 6.8 ± 0.5 s. The isomeric state should play an important role in the rp-process calculations.

research product

First experiment with the NUSTAR/FAIR Decay Total Absorption γ-Ray Spectrometer (DTAS) at the IGISOL IV facility

V. Guadilla et al. ; 4 págs.; 4 figs.; 1 tab.

research product

Scale evolution of nuclear parton distributions

Using the NMC and E665 nuclear structure function ratios $F_2^A/F_2^D$ and $F_2^A/F_2^{C}$ from deep inelastic lepton-nucleus collisions, and the E772 Drell--Yan dilepton cross sections from proton-nucleus collisions, and incorporating baryon number and momentum sum rules, we determine nuclear parton distributions at an initial scale $Q_0^2$. With these distributions, we study QCD scale evolution of nuclear parton densities. The emphasis is on small values of $x$, especially on scale dependence of nuclear shadowing. As the main result, we show that a consistent picture can be obtained within the leading twist DGLAP evolution, and in particular, that the calculated $Q^2$ dependence of $F_2^{…

research product

Constraints for the nuclear sea quark distributions from the Drell–Yan process at the SPS

Nuclear modifications to the Drell-Yan dilepton production cross sections in p+A and A+A collisions in the leading twist approximation are caused by nuclear effects in the parton distributions of bound nucleons. For non-isoscalar nuclei, isospin corrections must also be considered. We calculate these effects for p+A and Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS energies. Our goal is to place constraints on nuclear effects in sea quark distributions in the region x > 0.2. We show that the net nuclear corrections remain small for p+A collisions at E_lab=450 GeV. However, in Pb+Pb collisions at E_lab=158 AGeV, effects of > 20% are predicted at large M. The data collected by the NA50 collaboration cou…

research product

Isomeric state of $^{80}$Y and its role in the astrophysical rp-process

5 pages, 7 figures.-- PACS nrs: 21.10.Tg; 23.20.Nx; 27.50.+e.

research product

Disentangling decaying isomers and searching for signatures of collective excitations in β decay

6 pags., 3 figs., 1 tab. -- 27th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2019) 29 July - 2 August 2019, Glasgow, UK

research product

Production of neutron-rich isotopes in fission of uranium induced by neutrons of 20 MeV average energy

In the context of a parameter study conducted by several laboratories for future European radioactive beam facilities based on fast-neutron induced fission, in particular for the SPIRAL-II project at GANIL, we have measured the yields of neutron-rich isotopes in the mass range of 88 to 144. These nuclei were obtained as fission products of natural uranium bombarded by neutrons of 20 MeV average energy emitted by a thick carbon target irradiated by 50 MeV deuterons. Yields have been measured using on-line mass separation with the ion-guide method. Compared with proton-induced fission at 25 MeV the magnitude of cross-sections, except for the symmetric region, is similar. Z-distributions of is…

research product